マイティートリプル・ヘッダー:「Anime Expo」からのビッグニュース!


本日、ロサンゼルスで開催中の「Anime Expo」で発表されたばかり!




ご覧いただけましたでしょうか?!稲船さんと私たちマイティチームは、新たに『Mighty No. 9』のファンディングキャンペーンを開始します!




この新たなファンディングは、Kickstarterキャンペーン終了後も『Mighty No. 9』への支援を望むファンのみなさんの声にお応えするために計画しました。そして新しいキャンペーンでは、集まった資金の額に応じて、さらなるボーナスコンテンツを追加する予定です。ゲームにより一層おもしろいコンテンツを実装するため、Kickstarterのバッカーとかつてキャンペーンに参加できなかった方​に改めてサポートをお願いしたいと思います。今回のキャンペーンで募る資金は、『Mighty No. 9』の追加開発に充当することを目的としており、ゲーム開発以外に利用されることはありません。


Kickstarterキャンペーンでは、バッカーのみなさんのおかげで次々とストレッチゴールを達成し、この夢のプロジェクトを現実しました。今回のキャンペーンでも新しいストレッチゴールを用意しました!新たなストレッチゴールはFULL ENGLISH VOICE」(英語フルボイス実装)!詳細は公式サイトのトップページからご覧ください!



さらに「Humble Bundle」社と協力して『Mighty No. 9』のプレオーダーを開始しました!





Mighty No. 9』デジタルコピーのプレオーダー


一般販売よりお得な価格で『Mighty No. 9』のゲームを入手できます!



Mighty No. 9』デジタルコピーのプレオーダー+デジタルリワードのセット


Mighty No. 9』のゲームと共に、デジタル版のレトロマニュアル、アートブック&攻略本、サウンドトラックを入手いただけます!


Mighty No. 9』デジタルコピーのプレオーダー+デジタルリワード+βアクセスのセット















『Mighty No. 9』TVアニメシリーズ化に向けたプロジェクトのティザー映像を発表させていただきます!



Mighty No. 9』のアニメがいかに素晴らしいものになり得るかを示すため「デジタル・フロンティア」が制作費を負担してこのティザー映像を創ってくれました。その素晴らしい情熱と技術によって、今後アニメ化プロジェクトがどのように展開するか本当に楽しみです!




マイティチームにとって大変忙しい週末でしたが、この場をかりて「Anime Expo」にご協力いただいた方々に、心より感謝を申し上げます!


そして何より、私たちのプロジェクトをここまで育ててくれたバッカーのみなさんの変わらない情熱やサポートにはお礼の言葉もありません。発表当初からこの『Mighty No. 9』プロジェクトに愛情を注ぎ、ともて大きなムーブメントへと成長させてくださいました。そしてキャンペーン終了後もファンアートやアイデア、開発に対するフィードバック、支援のオファー等でたくさんのサポートをいただきました。バッカーのみなさんが無くして私たちマイティチームは存続し得ません!今後とも一緒に「Mighty No. 9」プロジェクトを素晴らしいものにしていきましょう!







-ディナ(Mighty No. 1046)、稲船敬二(Mighty No. 9)、Humble Bundle、デジタル・フロンティアそしてMighty No. 9チームTeam一同


ユーザー Mighty No. 35582 John Gill の写真

Animated series thoughts

  At first this confused me quite a lot. Inafune mentioned other companies and organizations telling him that they have his full support, but he is re-opening stretch goals towards the public. The way he worded that made me think that other companies threw them some extra money for funding, but I guess it is very different than that. Maybe he turned down private funding to keep his own creative liberties? Opening the funding this way may allow larger entities, groups, and organizations to donate and fund his project without losing the heart of the fans, and his own creative freedom like I mentioned previously. Since I trust Inafune, and love his work I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Although, I hope the only stretch goal isn't English voice acting. I feel slightly that the only audience that would be drawn to this would be younger crowds. That would be the largest reason to dub the voice acting into different languages to get children involved for easy marketing in the long run. This long term plan would easily allow Mighty No 9 to become a mass produced continued project for many installments for the franchise instead of burning out in the next 3 to 5 years. Who knows guys this could lead comcept to become a large player in the video game, and entertainment world with only one title under their belts. Inafune is very intelligent, but what all could he be planning?

On a side note I just re-watched the animated series trailer a few times. It still looks very childish just as I assumed. Then again it looked great for all ages at the same time. I hope since the animated series seems childish the difficulty of the game, and the series overall does not reflect that. The largest most exploitable source of money is children and their parents unfortunately. This is also a large always continuing revenue. I believe this is very smart on Comcepts part. Like I said before having Inafune fund the project publicly, if successful, for the first installment the revenue generated hopefully will pilot the series into being an ongoing thing for maybe even the next decade. I applaud Inafune for being a smart business man as well as a very intelligent game designer. Either way I cannot wait to see more from them in the future, and to play Mighty No.9 next year. Good luck to him and the whole Mighty No.9 team!!!

ユーザー Mighty No. 42138 Cap'n の写真

To be fair, with Mighty No. 9

To be fair, with Mighty No. 9 being a spiritual successor to Mega Man, and with Mega Man's target audience being mostly children, it kind of stands to reason that making other forms of media something that children will enjoy would be something that Mighty No. 9 ends up doing. While the game itself IS being made more for older fans, they DO have to keep in mind that children are bound to be interested and play the game. By making a cartoon for that age range, it helps gather more support in the form of future fans. It's really no different than the kids that watched the Ruby-Spears Mega Man cartoon and played the games that grew up to be adults. Inafune probably intends to keep a good hold on this IP if only to ensure that if anything happens to it, he knows EXACTLY who to blame: himself. Not another company that did something he didn't want them to do, not someone who made a mockery of it and was paid by his boss. By having as much control over the IP as possible, he eliminates the probability of someone else screwing him over.

I think this set of goals is basically a 'we want all of this extra stuff in the game but because we thought of it last minute we didn't get a chance to put it in and now with how far we've come it'll take a bit more money in order to get to that point and we'd rather run it over with you guys and see how much you want all this stuff in here rather than waste money on a venture that no one liked'. I highly doubt English voice acting is the only thing on the list, I fully expect us to break that limit come the end of this upcoming week, i.e. around the 13th or so. It'll probably be stuff like different forms of co-op or playable characters, maybe some DLC in the form of new bosses that may or may not be 'canon', animated cutscenes, maybe some cross-over stuff with Shovel Knight or Shantae (I know a LOT of people formed some kind of trinity among the three so it's entirely possible that there'll be a shantae cameo or a shovel knight cameo and they just need to pay whatever legal fees they have to in order to make it work), and it might very well be possible to get a physical copy of the game floating out there; I know that having a physical game is more likely to draw in people that never heard of the series before. I mean, Minecraft was able to get a PS3 and 360 version out there, it's entirely possible for Mighty No. 9 to do the same if it can get enough money to show interest in physical media. Even though the game will be available on just about every platform possible, if it's only a digital thing, there's going to be a lot of people who aren't going to know it exists. By having even little vouchers sitting on shelves it can get more attention and drum up a lot more business. I'm thinking that this set of goals is going to  be a combination of 'we want to add more cool stuff that we just thought of but will take up more time and money' and 'we need some help in pushing our ads so that we don't spend so much on it just for nothing'. Considering how all of that money is going to be divided among each goal, I can foresee something like this coming true.
