


『Mighty No. 9』のプロジェクトが開始してもう1年だなんて、信じられますか?昨年のPAXでキックスタータのキャンペーンをオープンし、このプロジェクト、そしてこの夢を叶えるためにみなさんにご協力をお願いしました。










PAXの講演『Mighty Chat』で、我々のリーダーである稲船さんより『Mighty No. 9​』のβ版へのアクセス開始がアナウンスされました!β版までバックしてくれた方々には、24時間以内にダウンロードコードをお届けする予定です、少々お待ちを!!



また、『蒼き雷霆 ガンヴォルト』の購入特典である、レトロフューチャーなクロスオーバー作品『Mighty Gunvolt』。実はインティ・クリエイツより、Mighty No. 9のバッカーであるみなさんにもこちらのダウンロードコードをプレゼントとして提供頂いています!早速配布を開始致しますが、全てのバッカーのみなさんにお配りするのは作業の都合上、数日かかってしまいます。あらかじめご了承下さい。


さらに、Mighty No. 9の公式フォーラム上ではマイティ・マンス トリビアと題して、開発に関する小ネタやメンバーについての豆知識などを毎日ご提供致します!他では見られないメンバーの素顔や、新たなアートも登場するかも!?








- ディナ(Mighty No. 1046)そしてMighty No. 9チーム


ユーザー Mighty No. 42043 Photon の写真

I feel Old

I will accept the fan art challenge and also. And congrats guys. Also will Capcom sue for the 8 bit sprites looking almost exactly like Mega Man.
ユーザー Mighty No. 14149 Xabring の写真

Received and played!

Just got on my smartphone a note about a new mail...and it was from comcept!!!! Now that i got here after finaly remembering my password, I can say that the wait was worth it! the game plays smoth and the controls are cool and all. can´t wait what elses await us for the coming months! 


just one question, where do I properly report the game´s bugs? I just happen to find one weird one.


ユーザー Mighty No. 41051 time2henshin の写真


the beta works great, i just wish my system was set up better. the charecter models look good but the animation needs cleaning up, Beck jiggles when he turns. overall i cant wait for it on a full handheld or platfom system.
ユーザー Mighty No. 8323 の写真

Beta test

Just finished downloading and playing the beta has a pretty good feel to it can't wait to see what else is added later
ユーザー Mighty No. 12019 A.V.A.R.I.C.E. の写真

Happy Anniversary, Numbers!

It's good to see the project is rolling right along. I don't visit as often as I'd like. But it fills my heart with joy to know this is all solid as diamonds. Rock on, Mighty Numbers.
ユーザー Mighty No. 17628 Dio Lerma の写真

one question does the people

one question does the people who upgraded from fan gamer will receive the beta code? cuz i was on the 60 dlls an updraged to 99, does it count?.

and if i dont have a 3ds but have wii u can i use the code?.

ユーザー Mighty No. 44144 の写真


1) I am wondering the same thing about the Fangamer upgrade.  I imagine that those like we won't get the beta access code at this point, but we will get it some point after September 5th when the Fangamer upgrade & survey period ends.

2) Mighty Gunvolt is only for Nintendo 3DS at this point and no other platforms for it have been announced.  So to answer you question, in all likelihood, no, you won't be able to ever play it on the Wii U.
ユーザー Mighty No. 58561 Lucina の写真

Yay! It just so happens that

Yay! It just so happens that September is also when my birthday is (September 6th)! I'm so glad to be a part of this really great project. I still can't believe it's been a whole year. Man, I love Mighty No. 9, and I can't wait to finally play it soon. :D <3

Happy Mightyversary, Beckers! And especially to you, Mr. Inafune. Without you, this community of wonderful people wouldn't have been able to come together. Thank you so much.
ユーザー Mighty No. 43988 RurikX3 の写真

A whole year already, wow...

A whole year already, wow... We are getting closer to getting our hands on Mighty No.9. Happy Mightyversary everyone!
