

















Mighty Platform Selection Survey」という件名で




- Mighty No. 9 チームより


ユーザー Mighty No. 51785 silverwillbot の写真

Differences between versions?

I'm contemplating on either choosing the 3DS version or PS4 version. Will both versions have the same content ie. DLC, online multiplayer, and other promises from the stretch goal? This may be a stupid question but I just wanted to make sure.
ユーザー Mighty No. 54154 histeachn の写真


Quick question. If we selected the Steam option, is it safe to assume we will eventually we asked for our Steam ID? I ask because my ID is a linked to a different email address thanthe one given to Concept. Tried sending this using the email address but it got kicked back. 
ユーザー Mighty No. 62504 IBJamon の写真

How is DRM-Free PC going to be handled?

I would greatly prefer DRM-Free, but I also care about updates, etc.  Is DRM-Free going to be handled via gog (great!) or a single download link that never updates (not good)?

ユーザー Mighty No. 43165 Kwratster の写真

two copies question

Does anyone know if they bought a physical copy from the survey they had that it will still be the pc version and the digital one will be for which ever platform? I want to be sure becasue i got a flashdrive version of it after backing the original 20 on the kickstarter 

also is anyone else having an issue emailing them? i keep getting return email errors when trying to ask them this.
ユーザー Mighty No. 48041 OniRyo の写真

Ah, great to see this finally

Ah, great to see this finally happening! Since i kind of own every platform from the survey i just decided for the PS4 myself due crossbuy, can't wait to play this!
ユーザー Mighty No. 24789 NGamerS の写真

I alredy emaild about this

I alredy emaild about this but, my survey arrived blank! Just a subject and no content! Is that normal? Is something wrong?
ユーザー Mighty No. 2036 M2036 の写真

Cross-Buy Options for Nintendo!

Hi, 3DS and WiiU have cross-buy. Why is this option not available?!? I'd really like to understand why Sony users have the cross-buy option but Nintendo users don't? 
ユーザー Mighty No. 65624 Angel の写真


i thinks this is because of the "Cross-buy" nintendo offers where, instead of a cross buy, they give you an extra code for the other console, so its just that they are giving you an extra game not an actual cross buy since you can just give the code to someone else even if they have a different account. 


also they have another way of cross buying but its just as exploitable:


ユーザー Mighty No. 5032 alraz の写真



I'm not very aware of this feature and having a hard time finding a list of games for WiiU/3DS that offer x-buy. Sorries, I can't provide more info on this No 
ユーザー Mighty No. 29277 Faiz の写真

Need to get back into survey

How do I go back to edit my response? I just arbitrarily picked a platform while looking for all the console details (mentioned in backer email), and then it completed without a review/confirm page. I didn't want to actually finish the survey yet!!! :(
ユーザー Mighty No. 21632 DaveB の写真

Mac Requirements are...?

I wish they'd announce what the requirements are to run this game on a Mac since it's my first choice (between PC or Mac). During the beta period, I was able to run the beta at max (ultra) settings with a pretty smooth framerate in Windows 7 via a Boot Camp partition, but it made my Mac run super hot. Not sure if that was just Windows being Windows or what.
ユーザー Mighty No. 44972 Mighty_Iwai の写真

Survey by order?

I'm still waiting for my survey. Does Comcept send by Mighty No.s order? It's seen that only lower numbers of backers are getting the survey(compared to my Number).
ユーザー Mighty No. 36993 Zero の写真

Cross Buy backer DLC?

Got the survey, I plan to go PS3 but would it be possible to cross buy the DLC over to PS4 since I plan to be getting one soon? 
