MIGHTY NO. 9 – 発売日確定!
そしてMighty No. 9を心待ちにしているすべての皆さんへ
本当に、本当に、長らくお待たせしてしまいました。ようやくMighty No. 9の続報をお伝えすることができます。この度、Mighty No. 9の発売日が2016年6月21日(北米、日本およびアジア)及び6月24日(全世界)に正式決定いたしました。延期を重ね、皆さんに深くご心配をおかけしてしまいましたが、やっと私たちのゲームを皆さんにお届けすることができます。
PlayStation® Vitaとニンテンドー3DSの2機種に関しては後日発売となります。
来月にはやっと皆さんにMighty No. 9をお届けできます。皆さんがどのぐらいの期間でノーマルモードをクリアできるのか?どのぐらいの人たちがマニアックモードでクリアできるのか?タイムアタックの最速記録は何分か? 皆さんがこのゲームを遊び尽くしてくれることを楽しみにしています。また、SNSなどを通じて、皆さんから意見や感想が寄せられることを望んでいます。 その声は私たちの次回作の大きな助けになってくれるでしょう。
I backed at the $60 level for
パーマリンク Mighty No. 56113 2016/05/27 14:34.
One week earlier for backers
パーマリンク Mighty No. 40368 Gigaman EXE 2016/05/13 18:26.
New Item Survey
パーマリンク Mighty No. 17376 Burdokop 2016/05/12 23:56.
P.D: God It's been such a long time that I'm even a father now. That's just crazy
i wonder id the bakers will
パーマリンク Mighty No. 17261 Rampage 2016/05/08 10:52.
The day the MN9 Kickstarter
パーマリンク Mighty No. 28550 TheBlueMegaman 2016/05/06 16:42.
The day the MN9 Kickstarter was posted was my good friend's wedding day!
He now has two beautiful children, a daugher and son.
BOOM ROASTED!!!!!!!!!!!
But masterful roasting aside: I'm still pumpt for this game and glad as a megaman kid, growing up at the EXACT time for those games to be the perfect level of fun and "oh my God how do I beat this", that this whole thing happened.
While still a capcom kid as well, seeing Inafune leave and start his own thing and make a IN YOUR FACE CAPCOM megaman game (sry NOT megaman game, I swear Call is not Roll) megaman game, it makes me feel.. proud, u kno?
Anyone know where can I have
パーマリンク Mighty No. 20702 Radish 2016/05/05 19:21.
Physical Rewards
パーマリンク Mighty No. 27516 Trickstar 2016/05/06 06:03.
The only physical rewards that SHOULD be in any backers hands right now are the T-Shirts and Plushie. The artbook and strategy guide and anything else have not been shipped and will be shipped after the game comes out.
Thanks for your answer :
パーマリンク Mighty No. 20702 Radish 2016/05/07 02:46.
Thanks for your answer :
I already have the T-shirt and can't wait to received my Artbook \o/
I hope they will not wait for the release on Vita (the one that I chose), because I didn't really wait for the game, I simply expected the Artbook :/
About your selection
パーマリンク Mighty No. 27516 Trickstar 2016/05/07 05:25.
Since not all backers recieved the survey, the survey that we got no longer applies. This means that you need to wait for the platform survey again. So just trying to help out by saying if you see a survey for platform selection, please do it because your last choice has been negated. I don't want to see an accident with backers when they think they selected a game, ignore the survey then not recieve the game.
I hope that helps.
That's help a lot. Thanks :)
パーマリンク Mighty No. 20702 Radish 2016/05/16 17:18.
パーマリンク Mighty No. 35392 Dinopolis 2016/05/10 04:38.
Keep an eye out
パーマリンク Mighty No. 27516 Trickstar 2016/05/10 21:04.
パーマリンク Mighty No. 42835 NW 2016/05/05 19:18.
I am so happy~
パーマリンク Mighty No. 21045 nrvnqsr 2016/05/04 23:31.
Shaken, cracked faith
パーマリンク Mighty No. 52867 Drawing Machine 2016/05/04 17:44.
"There can be no stronger connection between game creators and game fans."
Actually, about that...
To those saying that the
パーマリンク Mighty No. 8502 OmegaZero22XX 2016/05/04 06:45.
...it depresses me that I can
パーマリンク Mighty No. 39701 Miraglyth 2016/05/04 06:21.
It doesn't escape me that the setup has changed a little. Both previous dates only gave America the day-one release, now Asia (undoubtedly Japan) has been promoted to first-class as well,
But to think this supposedly high-quality high-publicity game will be one of the very few games to ever release on Steam with a timed region block for most of the planet is quite shameful to see as a gaming fan and must be quite embarrassing for the publisher.
If only...
パーマリンク Mighty No. 60101 Griever 2016/05/03 20:19.
I did recieve my 2 shirts and my plushie but I'd really like that signed artbook, poster, and both region game boxes soon as well.
パーマリンク Mighty No. 39796 SonicX796 2016/05/03 14:24.
Better late than never I
パーマリンク Mighty No. 7198 Rider Kicker 2016/05/03 14:18.
パーマリンク Mighty No. 20689 2016/05/03 11:00.
Thank you for the update! Was starting to worry a bit.
Any update on when the rest of the beckers rewards will be shipped? Still waiting on my book etc.
Cautiously Optimistic
パーマリンク Mighty No. 67387 Luna 2016/05/03 10:03.
yuy gold :)
パーマリンク Mighty No. 65115 Ins0mnia No.65115 2016/05/03 08:16.
パーマリンク Mighty No. 70563 Z3R0_X 2016/05/03 05:51.
パーマリンク Mighty No. 70563 Z3R0_X 2016/05/03 05:50.
パーマリンク Mighty No. 13440 TechnoWolf 2.0 2016/05/03 05:46.
Here's my blood. Take it, my liege)