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「はじめまして、私はcomceptのディナ・アブ・カラムと申します。新たにコミュニティーマネジャーとしてバッカーのみなさんのご意見やご要望などを開発チームに伝えられるようがんばります!バッカーの皆さんと同じように、昔からゲームが大好きで『ゼルダの伝説』やティム・シェーファーの作品、『ファイナルファンタジー8』がお気に入りです!世界を旅した後、母国レバノンから日本に移住してこの度comceptに入社しました。アーティストとしてのバックグラウンドも持っているので、クリエイティブなコミュニティーに参加できることを心から楽しみにしております。『Mighty No. 9』の関連情報を様々な方法でお伝えしていきます。


(因みにディナもMighty No. 1046のバッカーです!そしてディナ作のマイティファンアートです!)


今後もディナひとりだけではなく、8-4のスタッフがコミュニケーションをサポートします。さらに、バッカーの中からコミュニケーションをお手伝いいただく方をご紹介いたします。Mighty No. 5032 "Alraz"と Mighty No. 12434 "Joseph Barone" です!Kickstarterキャンペーンのスタートから『Mighty No. 9』とバッカーを支えてくれたこの2人を歓迎してあげてください!


「コール」デザインコンテストについてのお知らせです。まだ Mighty No.を手に入れていないバッカーに近日中にログインIDとパスワードを通知いたします!その後、12月19日から投票を開始し12月29日まで受け付けいたします。投票終了後、同日に結果を発表いたします!その日まで公式フォーラムで、「コール」やその他のキャラクターデザインに関するトピックに投稿してお楽しみください!


- Mighty No.9チーム一同


ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Stop linking this garbage

Listen, I can accept the skepticism and outcry about her attitude, but the boo-hooing about her feminist activity is insulting. Hate her for her agenda or for her percieved lack of talent, but don't go tossing around slurs and turn yourself into a huge asshole in doing so. That video may give a decent recap of the events going on, but I for one could do without all the mysogyny and transphobia. If this is the kind of community that Comcept wants to foster then maybe *I* should be the one asking for my money back, because frankly this sort of talk is absolutely unacceptable and far worse than any percieved threat that Dina may present to the final game. Bigotry and hatred have no place in any game or community I want any part of, and I'd hope I'm far from alone in that regard.
ユーザー Mighty No. 69333 Dracul JOSHI の写真

genders aren't equal and they

genders aren't equal and they shouldn't be treated as equal.
that said, both genders deserve respect.

An extremist proposing any agenda on the other hand is better ignored.
Also, someone who abuses power as easily as you have shown to do really shouldn't be anywhere higher than the lowest chain in the chain of command, it's disgracefull to you, women, humans and especially Inafune.
ユーザー Mighty No. 43562 Sanj の写真


I think you mean to say "the genders aren't the same, and shouldn't be treated the same, although they are equally valued, and should be valued the same.". "Equality" is a value judgement.  It's a measure of 'betterness' or worth.

I still fundamentally disagree with you, though.  Just sayin.
ユーザー Mighty No. 35279 の写真

I don't know why I'm writing this to you, but it was on my heart

I find that feminists today are the quickest to undermine the female gender, by victimizing themselves and purposely calling out attacks on their gender where there are none. Alot of "feminists"(quotation marks because I think they are a disgrace to the original feminist movement) therefore blame some sort of evil patriarchic force, a congloberation of men on a mission to oppress them, when they face problems(or non-problems that they themselves turn into problems), that really affect everyone regardless of gender. This victimizing implies that females are weak, and should be protected and get special treatment, which I whole-heartedly disagree with(and is pretty much how patriarchy worked). 
It seems like modern feminism is a sexist movement, there are few other groups or movements in the western world that generalize and stereotype genders more than they do.

And by doing that, they are also undermining the real problems that come with equality, slowing down the process. Because with equal rights and opportunities comes unequal treatment(economically and socially), and that must be a really difficult problem to tackle. But complaints about "hero adventure"-type media genres being male-dominated(which depends solely on the market, btw) and similar self-absorbed complaints, are drawing attention away from those real problems.

I would stand up for womens rights any day, I would truly fight for it. But I am really concerned about feminism as the extremist irrational belief that it has become, especially because it is "protected", since disagreeing automatically makes you sexist in many peoples eyes.
ユーザー Mighty No. 25877 Axe の写真

Can't access Call's discussion link

I'd love to participate more on the development of this game, but I keep getting a "Access Denied" page.

and it seems I can't login through the login pop-up on this page either...
ユーザー Mighty No. 52845 Vin の写真

Yeah this concept does not

Yeah this concept does not fit  style already established by the dev team. I hope this does not get implemented into the game without some major changes. 
ユーザー Mighty No. 49648 papaliko の写真

WTH! and Why?

I will make this real short and simple, can we just come to an agreement on, if our community manager is fit for her job and if we can get pass this controversy to let her redeem herself or at least give her a chance to prove she's more than willing to do her job. Base on what I've seen it's not looking good on her part but I'm one of those that believes on giving people the benefit of the doubt. I'm hoping all this craziness boils down quickly and we get back to what we all here for, the rebirth of a platformer that we all love and cherish.
ユーザー Mighty No. 64264 Mighty Number: Courage の写真

You have a good idea, however

You have a good idea, however there is one problem with that comment. Would we let an ice cream man in charge of a fire truck. Or would we let a doktor in charge of doing your taxes. Would you let someone who has allegedly never played any megaman game (Except X, which I honestly found rather boring) in charge/represent a community of fans of that very same franchise. No we would not. However you do have a point, if she does a good job and does not attempt to change a large amount of the game, or come with insane comments about feminism (I mean seriously, robot's don't have gender), then I say we should let her keep the job. I do, however, still believe that she deserves the critisms that we give her, and that she takes it to heart, and doesn't go deleting comments like she did on her twitter.
ユーザー Mighty No. 10797 Fridge の写真

Does it really even matter??

Most games, does it even matter what sex the character is that you're playing? As long as there is enjoyment to be had, I think it doesn't matter at all. Most of the time, you're not even looking at your character, but what is going on around them. Male, Female... Don't care!! As long as we get an amazing game that helps us revitalize this genre, that's all we should care about.
ユーザー Mighty No. 10797 Fridge の写真

The Role of Call

But as far as a role for the "sidekick". I think it would be pretty fun to have her go to areas inaccessible to Beck. To open switches or push buttons for Beck to move on further in some levels. Or timed segments where if she manages to successfully complete a task, it changes how the level progresses for Beck. Think of it like beating certain bosses in Mega Man X, only to have other levels changed. I think that would be neat!
ユーザー Mighty No. 64264 Mighty Number: Courage の写真

Oh like Jenna from Spectrobes

Oh like Jenna from Spectrobes, yeah that would be cool. Like if she was the navigator and the brains, and had to help Beck. Hey they could even give her the ability to reprogram enemies and take over them, it would be more fun than just having a another Beck.
ユーザー Mighty No. 41173 Maxicorvi の写真


Hi Dina!! Mighty No.41173 salutes you! and gives you congratulations!!

This is what I think...To avoid problems regarding the sex gender of the main character (to please the machists/feminists ¬.¬)... They can make a male and female version of Beck (Beck♂/Becky♀) like Aile/Vent of MMZX.
An asexual character would be another solution.....
We are human beings (for now :P), so stop fighting for sexual gender issues please! 
That was my humble opinion. Thanks for your time!! 

I look forward for the Call vote part 2 XD!!
ユーザー Mighty No. 17989 の写真

Neutral Party

I actually really like your idea of being able to choose if Beck is male or female. I played ZX myself and should have thought of that earlier. I bet a lot more people would calm down if that is going to be an actual feature at some point. Heck even getting to play as Call would be good too.
ユーザー Mighty No. 13147 Giga の写真

They're genderless by design

Beck, Call, and all the Mighty numbers are robots. They do not have reproductive organs, regardless of what they look like. There is absolutely no point in this. If you want to play as a female Beck, play as Call. It's that simple.
ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Well if they're given any

Well if they're given any personality at all, there is going to be an apparent gender, and that will matter in terms of how we react to the character. That is, unless you're saying we'd have reacted to MMBN's Roll just the same if she acted and spoke like Guts Man because they were just programs/navis.
ユーザー Mighty No. 50546 Keiichimorisato98 の写真


hello new community manager, i hope to see you in the forums talking with us.
i hope you understand that not every game needs to have female characters, and vise versa, i understand that women are underrepresented in the industry, and will insult women, but that is not truly representative of the community. the people who make threats and insult female gamers and game developers are trolls, trolls of the worst kind.
ユーザー Mighty No. 22685 Alduin の写真

Is everyone here insane?

What's up with this people!?!?

A nice woman is announcing her new duty taking care of the forums and managing them, also tells what games she likes and tells us she has the amazing luck of working together with the Comcept team.

She shows us a design of herself dressed like mighty no 9 and you all FREAK OUT!?!?

Did you escape from a mental illness hospital or what the heck is happening inside your damaged brains!?!?

By the way, Dina congratulations for your new occupation. I wish you luck, and can't wait to see news about what will be an amazing game, no doubt about it.
ユーザー Mighty No. 35279 の写真

story goes deeper than that.

story goes deeper than that. Apparently she never played megaman, and she also wanted to change Beck to be a female character, or make Call the protagonist.
ユーザー Mighty No. 38752 BitMan の写真

If niceness and brown nosing

If niceness and brown nosing were all you need to make good game discussions, you guys would make an awesome team. Most of us are a bit more critical and a lot less eager to please someone who, at an initial glance, fits in this community like a square peg in a round hole.

In case your "nice" brain needs more details, we don't freak out because of an ugly drawing - we freak out because she doesn't seem like she can tell Mega Man from Bomber Man.

Obviously, time will tell if we are mistaken, and I sure do hope so... but nothing is worse than shutting up when you think it's wrong.
ユーザー Mighty No. 66705 BrokenAllele の写真

Not taking it. Ever.

You know what? Fuck it. If Beck is changed to a female, I'm asking for my money back. Sure, Beck being a girl wouldn't change the story or gameplay, but it would break the legacy. This is meant to be a successor to Mega Man, not a tribute to female sexism in gaming. And if anyone is wondering why I'm even bringing that up, it's because this community director and designer is an active feminist. The proof is in the pudding:

Seriously, you can't argue with that. If this Dina chick is going to try to alter the evolving soul of Mega Man, count me out - that's not what I asked for. . . Anyone else alike should do the same as I'm doing.

ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Stop linking this garbage

There damn well IS something to argue with about that awful tripe. Listen, I can accept the skepticism and outcry about her attitude, but the boo-hooing about her feminist activity is insulting. Hate her for her agenda or for her percieved lack of talent, but don't go tossing around slurs and turn yourself into a huge asshole in doing so. That video may give a decent recap of the events going on, but I for one could do without all the mysogyny and transphobia. If this is the kind of community that Comcept wants to foster then maybe *I* should be the one asking for my money back, because frankly this sort of talk is absolutely unacceptable and far worse than any percieved threat that Dina may present to the final game. Bigotry and hatred have no place in any game or community I want any part of, and I'd hope I'm far from alone in that regard.
ユーザー Mighty No. 26263 GDAvatar の写真

As a Robot, Beck is neither

As a Robot, Beck is neither male, nor female.

As a Robot, Call is neither male, nor female.

Your rage is unfounded, let it go.

(Also, Dina is a community manager, not a game manager. Your rage is still unfounded. ^_^)
ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Gender is more than just sex.

Gender is more than just sex. A mind can be male or female, and in setting like M9, we're talking about robots as advanced AI personalities hosted inside living mechanical bodies. Given that context, they most definitely CAN have genders and can be male or female or anywhere inbetween or neither or something else altogether.
ユーザー Mighty No. 44120 astarisborn94 の写真

I don't see the problem.

It isn't like Dina is the director of this game. Keiji Inafune is still in charge and we are still going to get a great game. Everyone, calm down and give Dina a chance.
ユーザー Mighty No. 32126 Derrick の写真

you know that this is not happening

beck wouldnt be changed into a girl its just a opinion of what dina think that beck should be a girl i mean we all know there is a playable female player we can play as remember its call and personally i like Call Design F just look if it was happening how come beck isnt a female in Ninja Gaiden Z his appearance in there as DLC
ユーザー Mighty No. 18912 の写真

Chill guys...

Last time I checked, Inafune is the one who's responsible designing the game, not Dina.

Last time I checked, Dina gets her check from Inafune, not the other way around.

So all this talk about Dina sabotaging this project is just bull. You all need to just relax and chill.
ユーザー Mighty No. 67678 の写真


Please, do us all a favor and fire this person and hire a woman or man to replace them.  

This project and community needs a person that meets the following (as this person is apparently the inverse):

- is not a Terrible designer
- was a big megaman player.
- NOT Feminist
- NOT wanting to change stuff to meet a Feminst agenda
- earned the job based on qualifications and talent, and not because of who she knew

I liked the concept art and megaman franchise, so like some here, for some strange reason, I expected I was investing in a product that would reflect the concept art and previous development history of people on the dev team at the time we were donating.

I honestly would have passed on this project rather than investing in it, had I forseen this happening.  Maybe then got it free on PS+ at some point.

And for the record I am male and I work for mostly women in management structure(one of my two bosses is a woman, my bosses' boss is a woman, and my the latter's boss is also a woman)  I have no problem working for women that are qualified for the job, earned it, and are NOT feminist.  

The community manager does not fit the target, so I have no confidence in anything she is involved in be it PR with backers or heaven forbid they let her create game assets, such as enemies, characters, backgrounds, or effects in that style for the game.

ユーザー Mighty No. 59851 Viser の写真

i expected better!!!

i agree with Mighty No. 66705 BrokenAlleleMighty No. 67678 and others like them. this so call CM is a joke. fire her, her BF and their friends. i am starting to regret donating my hard earn money to this kickstarter for Mighty No. 9, if people like them end up screwing up Mighty No. 9 in any way. looks like i might start asking for a full refund of this, if these people still remain in the team and screw up  Mighty No. 9.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

ユーザー Mighty No. 26710 RangePup の写真

Getting a job in the video

Getting a job in the video game industry is, more often than not, more about who you know than what you've done. It's the same as any other job, referals speak more than portfolios.
ユーザー Mighty No. 2427 Yanmegaman の写真

Alright, I'm going to voice a

Alright, I'm going to voice a small opinion here.

I don't care what your beliefs are. All I care about is whether or not we will receive the product we were promised. That's it. Alot of people are freaking over your sudden employment, why shouldn't they? When you have openly expressed a desire to change what is essentially the only thing we know for certain about the game. So I propose this: Prove to us that with you on board, the direction of the game will not change. How you do this, I don't know. Just prove it to us.

We paid for Mighty No. 9. Not Mighty No. R63

ユーザー Mighty No. 26790 の写真

ROFL, how about you prove

ROFL, how about you prove that Dina even has the capability to change the game. Guess what, she doesn't. She's not a decision maker, she's not the art director, she isn't a producer. She's community manager and also helps out with some of the art stuff, that's it. She has ZERO authority to make any changes to the game.

Besides, do you really think that Inafune, the staff from Inti Creates and the others would let one person corrupt their dream project? Of course not. Stop being paranoid. Talking to you guys is like explaining to a child that there is no boogie man under their bed.
ユーザー Mighty No. 57407 の写真

There were two good videos

There were two good videos about this, one that Randy posted above from InternetAristocrat:

And another one by MundaneMatt:

My main issues is with the fact that she had no experience with the Mega Man games and also the nepotism that got her in there.  I could understand if she was brought in for some other positions at the company, but I always thought the community manager should at the VERY LEAST share the same interests in the project they're working on as the rest of the community - which this person doesn't.

Anyway, I'm on the fence about her being here, but if she can at the very least prove she's trying to learn what the older games were about, I'll have no problems with her being our community manager.
ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Stop posting that garbage video

With regards to IA's video, I can accept the skepticism and outcry about her attitude, but the boo-hooing about her feminist activity is insulting. Hate her for her agenda or for her percieved lack of talent, but don't go tossing around slurs and turn yourself into a huge asshole in doing so. That video may give a decent recap of the events going on, but I for one could do without all the mysogyny and transphobia. If this is the kind of community that Comcept wants to foster then maybe *I* should be the one asking for my money back, because frankly this sort of talk is absolutely unacceptable and far worse than any percieved threat that Dina may present to the final game. Bigotry and hatred have no place in any game or community I want any part of, and I'd hope I'm far from alone in that regard.
ユーザー Mighty No. 26790 の写真

I Trust Comcept

I'm sure if we analized every single person on the dev teams of other games we could make similar comments. The fact is that not every one who works on a game has experience with past games of the series and this doesn't affect the quality of the game.

If Comcept required their employees to have past Mega Man experience to join the team then they wouldn't have hired her plain and simple. But they did and I trust their decision. I'm not going to get on here and act like I know how to make hiring decisions better than the management staff at Comcept, that would be profoundly arrogant.

What's really unfortunate though is that her job as community manager has gotten off to such a bad start (due to both the fanbase reaction and bad decisions made on her part in response to it) that her job preformance will be over shadowed by this controversy. IMO she should not be judged based on her political views or her past experience with Mega Man (or lack thereof) but her job preformance and nothing else. She's made some slip-ups but based on the circumstances I can see why. From here on I hope people can look at this situation objectively instead of resorting to irrational fearmongering and accusations that are blown out of proportion.
ユーザー Mighty No. 7561 Fruits の写真

Hello Dina and Welcome :D

Hello Dina and welcome :)
Looking forward to working with you and bringing this game to existance .. nice art btw ;) .. the suit needs a bit of a metalic finish though .. still nice though. Keep your spirit up :)
