
最近のアップデートの更新スケジュールについてお気付きでしょうか?これから毎月3回、9日、19日、29日と9のつく日に最新情報を公表する予定です。ニュースをはじめ、ファンアート、コンセプトアート、ポッドキャスト、ビデオなどなど様々なコンテンツをお届けします! TwitterやFacebook、公式フォーラムがさらに活発になりますが、これらをお伝えするcomceptの新しいコミュニティーマネジャーを紹介させていただきます!

「はじめまして、私はcomceptのディナ・アブ・カラムと申します。新たにコミュニティーマネジャーとしてバッカーのみなさんのご意見やご要望などを開発チームに伝えられるようがんばります!バッカーの皆さんと同じように、昔からゲームが大好きで『ゼルダの伝説』やティム・シェーファーの作品、『ファイナルファンタジー8』がお気に入りです!世界を旅した後、母国レバノンから日本に移住してこの度comceptに入社しました。アーティストとしてのバックグラウンドも持っているので、クリエイティブなコミュニティーに参加できることを心から楽しみにしております。『Mighty No. 9』の関連情報を様々な方法でお伝えしていきます。


(因みにディナもMighty No. 1046のバッカーです!そしてディナ作のマイティファンアートです!)


今後もディナひとりだけではなく、8-4のスタッフがコミュニケーションをサポートします。さらに、バッカーの中からコミュニケーションをお手伝いいただく方をご紹介いたします。Mighty No. 5032 "Alraz"と Mighty No. 12434 "Joseph Barone" です!Kickstarterキャンペーンのスタートから『Mighty No. 9』とバッカーを支えてくれたこの2人を歓迎してあげてください!


「コール」デザインコンテストについてのお知らせです。まだ Mighty No.を手に入れていないバッカーに近日中にログインIDとパスワードを通知いたします!その後、12月19日から投票を開始し12月29日まで受け付けいたします。投票終了後、同日に結果を発表いたします!その日まで公式フォーラムで、「コール」やその他のキャラクターデザインに関するトピックに投稿してお楽しみください!


- Mighty No.9チーム一同


ユーザー Mighty No. 40368 Gigaman EXE の写真

This can't be happening...

You can't mess with Mega Man's legacy like this! A designer who doesn't know about Mega Man art, and is designing Mighty No. 9 content... This Comunity Manager doesn't even look professional.  She just got shoveled in.  If you want a successful game you'll have to get rid of people like that.  I don't wanna be rude, but this is very unprofessional.

PS: Her art creeps me out, honestly.
ユーザー Mighty No. 45700 Randy の写真

Not going to lie


Not going to lie, this has me freaked out.


Look, I'm not a femenist or anything, you being a girl has nothing that bothers me about this "mrs. overlord" it's that a lot of us who grew up with the megaman franchise (megaman X was also my favorite, but I don't think you should be voicing a personal opinion as a fact, since you're in a position of power as it seems unprofessional.  Same reason I myself can't talk poorly about the military or decisions made in the military, for I'm just a specialist.)

I donated money towards this project especially when I saw BECK and CALL, mega MAN and Roll.  I think it's fair enough to say that a lot of us who donated money towards this project to continue the legacy that megaman was known for.. is what most of us are striving to see live on, through mighty no. 9.  Not some altered or twisted version.

ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Stop linking this garbage

Listen, I can accept the skepticism and outcry about her attitude, but the boo-hooing about her feminist activity is insulting. Hate her for her agenda or for her percieved lack of talent, but don't go tossing around slurs and turn yourself into a huge asshole in doing so. That video may give a decent recap of the events going on, but I for one could do without all the mysogyny and transphobia. If this is the kind of community that Comcept wants to foster then maybe *I* should be the one asking for my money back, because frankly this sort of talk is absolutely unacceptable and far worse than any percieved threat that Dina may present to the final game. Bigotry and hatred have no place in any game or community I want any part of, and I'd hope I'm far from alone in that regard.
ユーザー Mighty No. 63300 Specs の写真

Clear Heads and Calm Minds

Okay Everyone Lets all take a deep breath and calm down. I know the internets first response is to well to qoute the Joker "Lose there Minds" at the first sight of something that they personally don't agree with which is sad honestly most of us would never react so harshly or strongly in the "Real World" to this situation, but it's far to easy to get worked up into a frenzy online.

All i can say is hey give Dina a chance she has'nt actually done anything to really deserve such a harsh backlash as far as i can tell. She has her Beliefs & Opinions and she has every right to them just as we all have our own Opinions and Beliefs.

 LIve and let live folks lifes to short for so much drama especially Internet Drama

Oh and as far as the whole "She never played Megaman thing" Somone can still apreciate a game without ever playing it Hell i've seen tons of games i've never played but still live the art style or music so If She likes Megaman X then she likes Megaman X 

So  anyway enough out of me cause this is turning into an Essay XP


ユーザー Mighty No. 22056 Gen の写真


Yeah, I'm not even going to read all of these comments.  It's just the same old song and dance with different topics and words, every single time, and when you have been on enough forums long enough, you pretty much know the story as soon as you catch first wind of it.

Some people are rational, having done thier research, and can honestly /think/ about what comes off of thier finger and onto a forum board (those people..thank you!) some are whinny, some neutral, some are pissed off with no good reason but to be pissed off just cause they feel like being pissed all of the time, at everything and have not really stopped to consider what they are saying or talking about, some are just trolls.

But, either way you spin it, frankly it's a waste of time, all boils down to the same thing, has gotten rather sad and boring, and plays a rather large part of why I have lost faith in anything but private forums.

Have fun with your fuss fest, all, you can keep it!
ユーザー Mighty No. 67217 Hybris の写真


Listen, Dina is an employee that works with the people at Comcept. She is just going to design a couple enimies and maybe bosses but that wont ruin the game. Besides Keiji or someone else will probably refine the bosses or just flat out not accept them. Besides many people think that because her profile has a lot to do with feminism wont mean shes going to try to ruin the game we have all been waiting for. A game that we as fans of megaman have been so exited to play donated our money into something the community wants and will get. (right?...)
ユーザー Mighty No. 12835 Nox the Cat の写真

Only semi-worried

The community's cries about feminist agenda and potential influence in regards to Dina are warranted, that much is true. However, I'd like to believe the Mr. Inafune will be a little smarter than some give him credit to being, he would obviously oppose this. I think it's fine for Dina to have her own sociopolitical views, but this project, this game, this dream... is not where she can push those views. So long as she maintains her duties as community manager without bias, I think the Beckers can be at ease. My advice to Dina would be, avoid further mention of your personal views, especially in regards to "potential" changes to the project. On the other hand, you have just as a much right to post fan art as any of us. (`_´)ゞ
ユーザー Mighty No. 42720 Sean の写真


I'm so embarrassed in this community. 
I'm not pulling my money of course but I don't know if I wanna be hanging in the same place as some of the people here...
ユーザー Mighty No. 26790 の写真


I have to say, I never thought I'd be embarrassed to be apart of this backer community. But I am. And the reason why is that apparently this community is made up of a bunch of cry baby beta males who are literally terrified of a feminist.

What's worse is the utter lack of trust you're showing in Inafune. If you really think that he would let a feminist corrupt his vision, his dream projec,t by inserting her political agenda you are a moron quite frankly.

And those of you asking for your money back because there is someone on the team who has a political ideology you don't like? Are you kidding me? Would you return your copy of GTA V, Bioshock Infinite, or The Last of Us if you found out if a feminist was on the dev team? (considering how massive their teams were there probably was)

How about you guys grow up and stop embarrassing this community and put your faith in Inafune where it belongs.

To end I'm going to quote what appears before every Assassins Creed game maybe it will put some sense into you:

"This work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs"
ユーザー Mighty No. 5982 Gurren Wolf の写真

How about you assess the

How about you assess the situation before posting a lengthy rant. Both sides have been acting immature and you are definitely not helping either one.
ユーザー Mighty No. 50994 Permafry_42 の写真

Ladies and Gentlemen...

I present to you... The internet! Where you're either a "nazi feminist pig" or "biggoted sexist pig"! Hooray...

Everyone looses from this nonsense. If the creators of this game want to have an optional female skin, why not? If they don't, why not? It's THEIR game, not yours. You are consummers; not investors. We gave them money with the promise that they'd make the game they want to make. NOT another megaman game. NOT our game. THEIR game. If you don't like them having complete artistic freedom to do whatever they want, its your own fault for funding a project all about the freedom for the creators to make the game they want to make, what ever that game is.

On a side note, for those saying they want pollitics out of their games, you seem to forget that a lack of a genderswaping feature is a pollitical statement, just like the inclusion of such a feature. So on that level, its always going to be percieved as a pollitical statement, despite it just being that certain members of the community feel more immersed when they are playing as a character with a female gender, just like some feel more immersed playing as a male gender. So from a practicalist point of view, having the option isn't a pollitical move but a personal choice the devs can make for themselves. If you don't want to use that feature, not one is forcing you. In fact, odds are the default gender will be male anyways. Those in favor of a male-dominated games industry win again. So please people, find something better to do with your time than just nitpicking about litterally the silliest of issues. Either way the sexists already won. The chaos from this won't go away, and everyone has already lost precious time in their day thanks to a few idiots, both feminists and sexists, claiming to represent the majority of the Mighty No 9 backer groups.

Let me repeat in case I wasn't clear: THIS IS NOT MEGAMAN! This is Mighty No. 9! It's up to the developers what they want that to be. If you don't like it, you shouldn't have agreed to fund a project that was from day one always about giving the devs the freedom to make the games they want, in addition to finally giving fans another Inafune game.
ユーザー Mighty No. 6947 Panic-Gamer の写真

Thank you

Finally a rational voice in all of this. Personally I think everythings blown out of proportion, She's just the community manager and she hasn't made any changes to anything relating to the game, so I think it's too soon at least to ask for refunds or whatnot.

I inplore everyone to behave in an carm and rational manner, at least for now. If she does have some secret agenda (allthough I doubt she will be able to act on it given her position) then maybe it might warrent some consern, but right now everyones behavor is over the top cause to the background of one single person and it has to cool off. 

In short, everyone get a sense of perspective, and we'll all get through this ok.

ユーザー Mighty No. 5734 Grangach の写真

The higher ups need to reply

Edit: I regret making this post so rashly, but in the spirit of transparency I wont be deleting it.

The higher ups need to reply to this bullshit. A community manager should actually be a part of the community. you know what would be great? Hire some guy from the megaman legends community. I dont like legends, but at least they have passion.

I don't want teh penguin of doom in charge.
ユーザー Mighty No. 36724 Zegjita の写真

Please don't kill my only

Please don't kill my only hope before it even gets off the ground... I've been a megaman fan since I was 2 years old, and I've bought every single one, up until Inafune left. Of course avoiding the weird abominations that Capcom has started putting out.

Megaman has always been my favorite franchise, and Beck is my last chance to feel that magic again. Don't let her ruin this, I dunno what she's going to do but PLEASE don't let her ruin this.

ユーザー Mighty No. 15738 misterben の写真

Whoa, I totally missed

Whoa, I totally missed something. I've been without an internet connection since early November so someone may have to fill me in, but there is a lot of (in my eyes) unprecedented hatred being slung at the community manager. She was hired, if I understand correctly, to be the bridge between the developers in Japan and the fans in English speaking countries. Apparently that's a really tough job when some of the more ravenous fans decide to wage war on her for some (most likely) minor transgression. I read her post and thought "great, I'll make sure I vote somehow" since the vote ends before my building gets internet or I go home for Christmas leave. Then, according to the comments, some of the fans wanted to leave the comment equivalent of a middle finger toward a woman hired to be our friend. From what I read, she hasn't played any Mega Man games (but she said X was the best?). So what? She isn't developing the game, she's the messenger. If I'm not mistaken, there's an old saying about hostility toward messengers... Dina, try to ignore these rage-fueled commenters. You got your job for a reason. :)
ユーザー Mighty No. 1139 Finchiekins の写真


I feel really awful and embarrassed about this whole uproar. The cruelty and lack of empathy is really distressing. I hope Dina and the rest of the MN9 staff aren't too badly affected by the mob, and i really hope this is a small especially juvenile segment of the backers. 
ユーザー Mighty No. 25477 Rob Lockster の写真

Reprimands Are In Order Here

I don't know what bickering has come about or whom hasn't played Mega Man. I have some things to say based on these comments I've read, because they certain have left a bad taste in my mouth.

First, Might No. 9 isn't Mega Man. This is not a place for Mega Man fans to get another Mega Man game. This is a project fueled by donations to start a new game project.

People that donated to this need not have touched anything worked on by Keiji Inafune. They could have decided on a whim to donate or because they liked the xel ideas and designs.

I don't care what any of this was fueled by, but the statement that this place is for Mega Man fans only is the same ingroup outgroup mentality as nationalism. It is one of the reasons Inafune did what he did. Western and Eastern collaboration can create new things, and so can a fresh idea from someone who isn't stuck in the rut of we do this this way or not at all.

Lastly, since I want to keep my post from being a novella, people donated to this project. Donated. This means that when you looked at this project, you said, "I put my trust in the form of my money. I don't know if this project will fail or succeed, but I think that Inafune and his teams have the qualifications, fresh ideas, and the drive to do what is needed to make this game." Donations are not purchasing a project. They are an issuance of trust that you cannot take back. You don't get refunds on something you do not purchase. Trust that Inafune will make sure the finished project will be great. Don't let a single person take that from you.

That's all I got.

ユーザー Mighty No. 5982 Gurren Wolf の写真

This is not like giving to

This is not like giving to charity.
This is an investment.
Investors can pull funding at anytime if the project is not to their liking. If a backer wants to retract their money from the game, they can make such a request from Comcept. If they are not willing to oblige the request, there exist other methods to retrieving your capital.
ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Stop linking this garbage

Listen, I can accept the skepticism and outcry about her attitude, but the boo-hooing about her feminist activity is insulting. Hate her for her agenda or for her percieved lack of talent, but don't go tossing around slurs and turn yourself into a huge asshole in doing so. That video may give a decent recap of the events going on, but I for one could do without all the mysogyny and transphobia. If this is the kind of community that Comcept wants to foster then maybe *I* should be the one asking for my money back, because frankly this sort of talk is absolutely unacceptable and far worse than any percieved threat that Dina may present to the final game. Bigotry and hatred have no place in any game or community I want any part of, and I'd hope I'm far from alone in that regard.
ユーザー Mighty No. 11073 Ghoel の写真

The original and current



Dear Development Team:

The original and current description of the kickstarter had no indication that the game would have background political undertones and shady public relations practices. I find this to be misleading, I will not pay money to unknowingly push an agenda, help get someone else's girlfriend a job their not qualified for, her art isn't charming, talented or skilled, and has no interest in Megaman unlike the rest of the veteran team we were promised; for these reasons I either demand a refund of my money, or for Dina to be forbidden in further tampering with the game's development.
