
バッカーのみなさんへお届けする新たな 「コール」です!



Call E, 石川ヒデキ(フリーランス)


Call F, 夏目裕司(インティ・クリエイツ)


Call H, 小牧信介(comcept)




 ・「Mighty No. 9: Community Vote No. 2: FINAL CALL DESIGN !」というタイトルメールに記載のURLリンクをクリックしてください。





P.S. – サーベイモンキーの配信停止リスト(https://www.surveymonkey.com/optin.aspx)に登録されている場合、
もしくは12月24日の時点でメールが届いていない場合は「backerpoll@comcept.jp」宛てに「Missing Call #2 email」

-ディナ (Mighty No. 1046), 今枝浩司(Mighty No. 610), マーク (Mighty No. 84), Mighty No. 9チーム



ユーザー Mighty No. 14508 の写真

Have to go E

The other designs are well done, but F and H are too derivative of previous characters.  Let's give Call E a chance!  She looks like she can handle support and combat!  Just look at her awesome beret!  And her expressions are amazing.
ユーザー Mighty No. 46712 Kairos89 の写真

Voted Call E because everyone

Voted Call E because everyone else is too drunk off nostalgia to realize not everything needs to be a clone of the thing before it.
ユーザー Mighty No. 21163 Chapin の写真

Go with F!

Design E is too busy- too many intersecting lines, too many tiny shapes. It is a good design and I hope it will be used in the game, but not for Call. Call's design needs to compliment and enhance Beck's, and I think E only contrasts with it.

Design H just doesn't fit into this style of artwork. It's really cool but it looks like something out of an Astro Boy cartoon. Hey, I love Astro Boy, but if you chopped up these two worlds and mixed them together, it would look weird and lame. The design style should stay consistent and harmonious (Remember the basic priciples of effective design. It applies to videogames just as much as anything else.).

Design F is just perfect. It fits in well with the rest of the caracter designs and looks like it could be used for a rich, deep, complex entity in the Mighty No. 9 world. Depth and richness of character is absolutely essential for an engrossing entertainment experience. If Beck is a total badass, I would like to see Call be ready to get badass right next to him when he needs her help, and that is what I see in design F. It is also something I would like to see playable. The others just don't have that impact.

[Edit: After giving it some more thought, E would make a good villain!]
ユーザー Mighty No. 33933 Rodney 1.666 の写真

My thoughts exactly. Design E

My thoughts exactly. Design E just doesn't mesh with Beck's, whereas F compliments perfectly, visually.
I too was thinking E could work as a higher-ranking badie; she has that no-BS look about her.
ユーザー Mighty No. 48461 megakazi の写真

They are all great designs

They are all great designs and I WANT to see them in the game somehow.

But they only fit certain roles:
F is the female main character who helps Beck. My favourite!
E is a "manager"-type who does mission briefing and password screen, lol.
H is the "sister"-type, I dunno what she could do.. but she's cute too ><

ユーザー Mighty No. 67356 Kostopolis の写真

Call Vote

Call "E" is my choice. The others look really good too but if Call is our support, she should appear as if she could be out there fighting with us."E" has that look she is the most on par with Beck (design wise) from all of the top designs. Also her asymetrical design is wicked!
ユーザー Mighty No. 14917 の写真

What part of call E looks

What part of call E looks combat ready? She looks like a clerk ...maybe a military clerk but definitely not combat personnel.
ユーザー Mighty No. 28743 BreenMachine の写真

I voted for F, but I really

I voted for F, but I really like E as well.... I feel like F matches beck more because of the eyes...man, voting is hard. LET ME TELL YOU WHAT ISN'T HARD THOUGH: NOT CHOSING CALL H!!! Its like the person who came up with her was like, " how bout I draw a generic female" and then sent it to the desk
ユーザー Mighty No. 57632 Math の写真

Sticking with E

I voted for her again for the same reason I did before, I just like her overall design and havning something a little less roll like wouldn't be a bad thing.
ユーザー Mighty No. 49296 No. 49296 の写真

E  is more like the generic

E  is more like the generic base staff NPC...

F offers the old Megaman nostalgia of Rol...u could call it a "Roll Call"

H....Cute....something different and still ol' fashioned

ユーザー Mighty No. 14917 の写真

Call e looks like a support

Call e looks like a support character ...similar to some of the secretary characters from the x series. F looks like a heroine...especially with that motorcycle she had in earlier sketches.
ユーザー Mighty No. 38790 Xelgadis の写真

Call E translated Features

Call E everyone she has cool features.
  12/19/2013 - 20:34 I see what you're getting at! 
Here's a quick translation of the text on the pictures:

E: "Kind of transformation: Her model is inspired by Beck, Call is effected by his transformation data that she receives through their communication link." 
ユーザー Mighty No. 38790 Xelgadis の写真

Call E

I kept my vote with Call E she was the first runner up before when I voted for her. I'm kinda sad that Call F got the most love in the tweaking and developer help. They even made the model for Call F and gave her new expresions and the robo ribbion to allow her to show more emotion in the long run also. I just wish they had shown equal love to all the finalist's.
ユーザー Mighty No. 9023 ALTernative93 の写真

I voted for Call F she just

I voted for Call F she just fits the most with the art style H looks way to much like Penny from Inspector Gadget for my taste and I don't know I can't put my finger as to why I don't like E all that much
