
バッカーのみなさんへお届けする新たな 「コール」です!



Call E, 石川ヒデキ(フリーランス)


Call F, 夏目裕司(インティ・クリエイツ)


Call H, 小牧信介(comcept)




 ・「Mighty No. 9: Community Vote No. 2: FINAL CALL DESIGN !」というタイトルメールに記載のURLリンクをクリックしてください。





P.S. – サーベイモンキーの配信停止リスト(https://www.surveymonkey.com/optin.aspx)に登録されている場合、
もしくは12月24日の時点でメールが届いていない場合は「backerpoll@comcept.jp」宛てに「Missing Call #2 email」

-ディナ (Mighty No. 1046), 今枝浩司(Mighty No. 610), マーク (Mighty No. 84), Mighty No. 9チーム



ユーザー Mighty No. 68404 Call の写真

Call Voting Question

Please Read This If Your Trying to Pick which Call to Vote for! or Have Voted (:

I don't Really Understand my fellow Mighty Backers that keep calling F a "Clone" of Roll...and that they want something "completely" different...? If Call F is Really such a clone then why is it so ok for Beck to be a Clone of Mega Man?

I mean everything from the way he walks shoots and enemy's are cloned everything..."Not saying that's a bad thing..I'm Here because I want a new Mega Man Game But wont ever get one most likely and have been given the RARE chance to Help this dream happen anyway" I mean I thought they already said this was suppose to be a "spiritual successor to mega man" or maybe that was just a fan post I read >.< dono...but I do know that it sure "Looks" like it in every way..so why not just let it be that? (:

 Beck Does it and its ok But call does it and there is a problem? I just don't understand how your coming to this point I'm more then sure one of the E Voters can maybe clear this up for me.. (: thanks, Because for me I'm picking Call F "ONLY" because Beck reminds me exactly of Mega man and so to "me" he should have a partner that reminds me exactly of Roll ...am I wrong for thinking that? ): if you want a different call why not a different beck while your at it..? Why only "call" her out on cloning?

I mean I understand voting on E or H if you like there design I do too (: it was mega hard to pick, there all amazing..it was really close, any of them could do the job, but I don't get it..why slam F for doing what Beck seems to be doing so well?

Thanks for any answers because I really would like to know what my fellow fans are thinking about all this (:
ユーザー Mighty No. 47412 TheSeji の写真

Started with E. Ending with E

I love every part about the design of E, Now the other two are indeed nice but....H is just too reminicent of something....and doesn't seem to fit as well with the theme...F is without a doubt great and my second choice but i have to agree is treads a line too close to the familiar, and i would like to see something BRAND spankin' new...or at least something that feels that way and E just gives me the excitment willies so E all the way.

I am concerned though T^T. I look through these comments and it looks like E is still second place! So many F voters! WHY GUYS! WHY F!?
ユーザー Mighty No. 22428 SaBooDa の写真

I must choose H!

I think that H will be the overall best choice because I'm thinking of how Beck and Call will look as a team.  Beck has a great deal of design elements and accessories so I thnk that Calls design should be opposite of that to bring the right balance.
ユーザー Mighty No. 64036 Jojo Hyena の写真

E! E! E!

"E" is the most original. No discussion here. The assimetry also fits her very well, and the expressions are just the cherry on top. They are so good that "F" straight up copied the idea!



ユーザー Mighty No. 6490 Chidomaru の写真

It's funny,  I think H looks

It's funny,  I think H looks more like Roll than F

Anyways for most of the reasons already stated by others its gotta be Call F FTW :D
ユーザー Mighty No. 9597 Blade の写真


Gotta go with E.

While I do like the other two samples, they both are a bit to remisicent of other Mega Man titles.

Call F looks straight out of Mega Man Zero (not surprising considering the artist), and while Call H is absolutely adorable, she resmebles Roll Casket just a bit to much.

Meanwhile, Call E has a very unique design all her own, and looks like she'll fit the role of being Beck's spotter better than the other two. Plus she has a slightly older look compared to the other two, which I feel could be played into the story as a "Big Sis" kind of way.
ユーザー Mighty No. 64264 Mighty Number: Courage の写真


I'm goanna go with Call.F. Her design and style just seems to fit the game more, as well as the fact that she, at least in my opinion, resembles Beck a large amount. Not in an appearance way, more that it looks like the man who made Call.F also made Beck.
ユーザー Mighty No. 10419 Mattstadon の写真

You know what do to!

Call F is the clear winner here! All designs are brilliant and should be somehow unlockable or something as alternates but F fits the game so well. The artists should all be proud and know this was a tough Call! (see what I did there?!) Voting now!
ユーザー Mighty No. 5804 Pemblem の写真

Tough call (get it?)

I'm gonna have to go with F. She's cute, and really goes well alongside Beck. She really seems the most fit to be included in this game. 

Though I do have to say, H is adorable. (got a nice back side too, know what I'm sayin'?)
ユーザー Mighty No. 8962 Xero の写真


Definitely Call "F" as she matches the art style of Mighty No. 9 the best, has the best overall kit and has that Roll-esk nostalgia factor that really drives it home for me.

In my opinion, E and H don't fit the art style at all, they just don't look like part of the game.
ユーザー Mighty No. 12255 Zetser の写真

F is Best.

Ok, just going to say this, E and H have no place in combat. Neither look like they could be nor should be in the war zone. F looks like someone who simply wouldn't want to stay behind and do nothing and go and follow Beck. H looks boring, and honestly a bit too much like Penny from Inspector Gadget (Not that there is anything wrong with that, she was the best character of that show) and does not look cut out for combat. That, and there is barely any other bits of reference unlike in E and F. 

I know everyone does not want F out of some odd passion for a non Roll designed character, but honestly, E looks like Alia from the X series, and just like Alia, looks like she would always be on the phone with Beck rather than with him out in the world. She just looks fragile and would better be in an office or an airplane ( Honestly though, look at her! You'd be in denial if you did not see that.).

 So that said, vote F, because she is honestly the best design by far. This is not to say the other designs have no place, by any means, but rather no place next to Beck in the battlefield. Perhaps if Comcept is smart and looking through all these comments, they will just have a skin pack for Call and Beck to be any design that pops up. That'd make everyone happy. 

tl;dr Vote for F, the best design for a combat based Call. 
ユーザー Mighty No. 39471 の写真

I'm going with F, only

I'm going with F, only because E and H look like flight attendents or a office assisstant and it's not going to translate too well seeing this NPC fighting off hordes of robot's. But just my take on it.
