
バッカーのみなさんへお届けする新たな 「コール」です!



Call E, 石川ヒデキ(フリーランス)


Call F, 夏目裕司(インティ・クリエイツ)


Call H, 小牧信介(comcept)




 ・「Mighty No. 9: Community Vote No. 2: FINAL CALL DESIGN !」というタイトルメールに記載のURLリンクをクリックしてください。





P.S. – サーベイモンキーの配信停止リスト(https://www.surveymonkey.com/optin.aspx)に登録されている場合、
もしくは12月24日の時点でメールが届いていない場合は「backerpoll@comcept.jp」宛てに「Missing Call #2 email」

-ディナ (Mighty No. 1046), 今枝浩司(Mighty No. 610), マーク (Mighty No. 84), Mighty No. 9チーム



ユーザー Mighty No. 3972 XwingVmamX の写真

No PowerPuff Girls Allowed!

I really love both E and F, and I was leaning towards F, but something just felt off with picking her. Then I realized why. She looks too much like a PowerPuff Girl. I also think E suits the name "Call" the best.
ユーザー Mighty No. 59007 Master Beach の写真

E the best option

E is the best, its design is the most original and which best fits the story of "a robot more pure and then unexpectedly she gains emotions", many people are saying that their problem is the feets and get carried away by that, but let's be realistic, character designs are adapted according to the art of the game, so possibly we could also see a Call E wearing boots as Beck, I personally not have problem with their feets but to many peple look like a point of choice, Pleaasee dont lost of sight her others amazings characteristics, if you are not voted yet please vote for E, E for Everybody wins, and don´t sell your vote to the dude that is buying votes for F ofering "reward you with something", this only make look bad the fans of F and make the vote unfair.
ユーザー Mighty No. 60172 Kawabata Sei の写真

I love E, and Zero, anyone?

Voted for E the first round but if it turn out to be the other two I'm still fine. Well, now with the color design, I think it's safe to assume that Call is the girl version of Zero from X series, with blond hair and red outfit, I wonder if she is also melee-focused.
ユーザー Mighty No. 4129 DuoDynamo の写真

I just hope F doesn't win.

I just hope F doesn't win. It's not that I don't like her, far from that. It's just that she looks WAY too much like Roll, and I want to see fresh new designs making it into the game.
ユーザー Mighty No. 28544 Mário の写真

Hero style

All of them are great but we can't forget about the Hero's design. According to current news the winner Call is gonna be base for the final one. In all games characters have the same drawing style like Megam Man X or Mega Man Zero series. So whichever wins I'd like to know how they'd handle this issue. Call F has patterns (like her eyes) that best suits the Hero's. Just wanna know people's opinions about it. laugh
ユーザー Mighty No. 18023 の写真

May the best Call win

I really like all of the finalists with their refined color schemes. I am going to be happy whichever Call wins :)
ユーザー Mighty No. 36223 Ffej の写真

I like them all

Well I voted E back during the kickstarter, just to stay loyal I'll vote for her again. But honestly both Call F and H have grown on me more since then, so I'll be happy no matter which one wins.
ユーザー Mighty No. 9454 JayDay の写真


I'm with E, she just looks perfect as the support character, F and H look like a complete roll clone witht he whole little girl look. I want call to look unique, and not just a rip off of roll.
ユーザー Mighty No. 19260 Dollbot の写真

Hard choice.

Call H looks like Penny from Inpector Gadget for some reason. Still really cute but E and F are the best. F just has ''that look'' something about her is awesome.
