Mini-Update: Platform Survey Follow-up

Hey there, Mighties!
Regarding the Platform Survey that we sent out around 3 weeks ago,
we have already had an amazing number of responses! Thanks for your cooperation everyone!
However, we have received mails from backers who have had issues or never received the intended mail. As a result, there are still quite a few backers who have been unable to select their platform of choice. We will be taking care of this problem in the following way!

First, we will allow the current survey to finish on the intended deadline of July 31st. At that point, we will have all of the responses from users who were able to complete the survey, and we will then focus our attention on solving any issues that users are experiencing which are preventing them from completing the survey. We will do this by sending out another wave of mails to any backers who have yet to complete the survey.

We are extremely sorry for the wait, but ask you to be patient for just a bit longer!
We are going to make sure that every single backer gets their proper rewards,
so don’t worry too much if you have experienced issues at this point!

Until next time, Mighties!(_´)
- The Mighty No. 9 Team


Mighty No. 30995 Salamander's picture

Gotta Check email

Yeah like a dummy I forgot about this till now.  But I got the survey finished so it should be all good.  Thanks for your patience guys.
Mighty No. 25462 Drascoll99's picture

never received Platform Survey

As a backer who never received the Platform Survey which worries me. Why not just send the surveys to the the Message inbox of everyone on this forum? Then just send an mass e-mail telling everyone to log into the forum to fill out the Survey? Or allow us to name our perfered platform on our forum Profile. Why are you even using SurveyMonkey? Isn't SurveyMonkey more useful for doing anonymous polling?

Inxile for Wasteland 2 created something called a Ranger Center where you could log into a account and click a tab to choose your kickstarter Reward based on how much you pleged. The ranger center was tied to the backers forum.

Mighty No. 103 Hypercoyote's picture

Just to be clear, the USB

Just to be clear, the USB "Physical Copies" will only be Steam codes, correct?  There's no changing those to another platform?  That's the info I was seeing around the forums, but I felt like that was a little up in the air during the Kickstarter (this has probably been officially answer 100 times, sorry!).
