Mighty Beckers, g’day!

Figured out our update schedule yet? Take a look back at our last few posts… That’s right -- for the foreseeable future, we plan to check in at least three times a month, right around the 9th, 19th, and 29th. These updates will take many forms, but basically, expect a mix similar to our Kickstarter campaign: news and info blurbs (like this one), fan art roundups, concept art breakdowns, podcasts, documentary videos from 2 Player Productions, etc. -- all that good stuff!  

Of course, we’ll also be checking a lot more often on Twitter, our Facebook page, and especially the forums, which brings us to our next bit of news: Who the heck is going to handle all this community interaction? (Hey, don’t look at us -- we’re busy making a game here!) :) 

For the answer, we’re proud to introduce our first-ever community manager here at Comcept...better yet, let’s have her introduce herself!

Mighty Beckers! It’s a true pleasure to “meet” you -- thank you for embracing me as your new Community Overlord! Now, kneel before me, lesser Mighty Nos.! MUAHAHAHA!

...Just kidding. :) My name's Dina Abou Karam, and actually, it’s the other way around: I’m here to serve you! Think of me as a giant ear, ready to listen to all your suggestions, requests and anything else you feel like sharing!

...Except I'll also be managing and participating in the forums, so I guess think of me as a giant ear with a mouth… Also eyes for looking at fan art and... Er, you know what? Let's start over:

Hi, my name’s Dina! Like most of you, I've grown up on video games and have an undying passion for this magical medium. I am a Zelda fanatic, a Tim Schafer lover (figuratively speaking), and an unrepentant Final Fantasy 8 hardliner. (No, that’s not a troll!) ;) Also, to clear up any forum confusion: Mega Man X is best Mega Man!

After hopping around the globe a little, I finally left the motherland behind (Lebanon, if you were wondering) and settled in Japan, where I now work at Comcept. I'm an artist by trade, which is all the more reason I’m so excited to be a part of this exceptionally creative community! So expect to start seeing a lot of me on the forums, official Facebook page, Twitter account, these updates, etc. -- basically, anywhere and everywhere Mighty No. 9! (`_´)ゞ

So yes, think of Dina as one of you -- because she was / is! (Mighty No. 1046, to be exact!)


Some fanart Dina made during our KS campaign -- not bad, eh?!
Also, Dina won’t be alone: the fine folks at 8-4, Ltd. will still be helping out here and there with update content and advising on community matters, plus we’ll be appointing our first two forum moderators from the community ASAP: Alraz (Mighty No. 5032) and Joseph Barone (Mighty No. 12434)! Their support for both Mighty No. 9 and their fellow Beckers has been unwavering, right from the start -- please join us in thanking and congratulating them!


OK, so that’s enough about “who” -- let’s get back to “what,” as in “what is going on with the second Call vote?!” This week we’re getting Mighty Nos. and passwords to the last few Beckers whose emails bounced, but after that, we should be ready to go -- the plan is for the vote to begin on 12.19 (the URL will be posted in a backer-only update and on the forums), and run until 12.29, when the votes will be tallied and the final winning design for Mighty No. 9’s heroine will be announced!

Until then, backers can join the discussion on what kind of role Call might play in the game, or share the design for your own unique Mighty No. robot, or trade stories of how you first heard of Mighty No. 9, or any of a few hundred other awesome threads going on now in our (slightly newer and slightly improved) forums!

Cya there! 

-Mark (Mighty No. 84), Dina (Mighty No. 1046), and the Mighty No. 9 Team


Mighty No. 65832 JamusAeons's picture


>I've grown up on video games and have an undying passion for this magical medium.

>I am a Zelda fanatic, a Tim Schafer lover (figuratively speaking), and an unrepentant Final Fantasy 8 hardliner. (No, that’s not a troll!) ;)

Mighty No. 70256 Kaza's picture

Hi Dina, good to have you

Hi Dina, good to have you here on the forum!
FF8 is also one of my favorite FFs because of the first "grown-up" characters and of course the beautiful story and world.

Can't wait for CALL VOTE PART 2!
Mighty No. 51499 Eadii's picture

Hey Dina

Thanks for clearing up any discussion about which Mega Man title is the best ;) Of course it is Mega Man X
