
最近のアップデートの更新スケジュールについてお気付きでしょうか?これから毎月3回、9日、19日、29日と9のつく日に最新情報を公表する予定です。ニュースをはじめ、ファンアート、コンセプトアート、ポッドキャスト、ビデオなどなど様々なコンテンツをお届けします! TwitterやFacebook、公式フォーラムがさらに活発になりますが、これらをお伝えするcomceptの新しいコミュニティーマネジャーを紹介させていただきます!

「はじめまして、私はcomceptのディナ・アブ・カラムと申します。新たにコミュニティーマネジャーとしてバッカーのみなさんのご意見やご要望などを開発チームに伝えられるようがんばります!バッカーの皆さんと同じように、昔からゲームが大好きで『ゼルダの伝説』やティム・シェーファーの作品、『ファイナルファンタジー8』がお気に入りです!世界を旅した後、母国レバノンから日本に移住してこの度comceptに入社しました。アーティストとしてのバックグラウンドも持っているので、クリエイティブなコミュニティーに参加できることを心から楽しみにしております。『Mighty No. 9』の関連情報を様々な方法でお伝えしていきます。


(因みにディナもMighty No. 1046のバッカーです!そしてディナ作のマイティファンアートです!)


今後もディナひとりだけではなく、8-4のスタッフがコミュニケーションをサポートします。さらに、バッカーの中からコミュニケーションをお手伝いいただく方をご紹介いたします。Mighty No. 5032 "Alraz"と Mighty No. 12434 "Joseph Barone" です!Kickstarterキャンペーンのスタートから『Mighty No. 9』とバッカーを支えてくれたこの2人を歓迎してあげてください!


「コール」デザインコンテストについてのお知らせです。まだ Mighty No.を手に入れていないバッカーに近日中にログインIDとパスワードを通知いたします!その後、12月19日から投票を開始し12月29日まで受け付けいたします。投票終了後、同日に結果を発表いたします!その日まで公式フォーラムで、「コール」やその他のキャラクターデザインに関するトピックに投稿してお楽しみください!


- Mighty No.9チーム一同


ユーザー Mighty No. 36834 RavenAX の写真


hi there Dina! I look forward to sharing my thoughts about the game with you :D I'm such a big fan of the Blue Bomber so its great to have a friendly listener who can potentially influence his spiritual successor :)  oh and, just ignore the gender driven guys with their immature comments. I was hoping I'd be free from them here, but I guess I can't let up. Lets make this amazing!
ユーザー Mighty No. 62776 モロトヴ の写真

Agreed -- but it was

Agreed -- but it was mentionned that she was working on robot designs, and the extent of her role and involvement is still, at best, unclear. The fact that we're left in the dark is another thing.
ユーザー Mighty No. 12019 A.V.A.R.I.C.E. の写真

Dangerous Sector: Veterans Suggested

Hello, Dina. We've just met, as I haven't been on these forums actively.

I see your image, while the pieces go together, the image is certainly a heavy deviation from the style that is being used. Though, a female representation of Beck, it is not. It's simply curly hair sneaking out of his helmet, a drastic change to the weight of lines and colors, a different pose. and pouty lips...

From my patrol of these forums, and the information provided by the community and my own digging, I am.. nonplussed... When I first got my NES, it wasn't that red clad mustache wearing plumber, it was Mega Man that gave me hours of entertainment. From the first, to the eighth, to Rockman and Forte, to 9 & 10, The original X to X8, to The zero series, Battle Network, and ZX Series. I've read about the process to make the games, I participated in the 1992 "Design your own robot master" contest in Nintendo power. Keiji's style of art has had a meteoric impact on my artistic process. All of this, to give you an idea of what the kind of people who are invested, emotionally and financially, in this game.

My fellow Numbers have strong faith in the Inafking's judgement, and those of his close peers. I will continue to hope. Study hard, Prototype Dina. Go back to the year 200X and walk the path of the Blue Bomber from his origins, and you might find the passion we show for this game.

I have read and heard of agendas, I will not go into this "Debacle" they are calling it. We all can set this aside... Just remember, do not.. I cannot stress this enough.. do not lose sight of what this game was dreamed by Inafune. If you push it over some boundry due to your beliefs, that unravels the hopes of the Mighty Numbers of our ranks, you will live on in infamy. You will not be forgotten.


ユーザー Mighty No. 3175 TrekkingSpiral の写真

It's awesome that your giving

It's awesome that your giving her a chance 12019, but theres no need to worry about the art she drew since its just a fanart for the team :]
ユーザー Mighty No. 12019 A.V.A.R.I.C.E. の写真

Art: vaguely related

Trekkingpsiral, 3175,

I understand that it's fanart, though I felt I should mention it, being part of her introduction, and a representation of her feelings towards the project. I'm not a professional artist, I have no publications, just what I've done with my free time. Though, I've spent hours studying art of all kinds (and I'm sure Dina has too, considering her line quality and polish on the image itself), and one thing that always grabs me by the lugnuts is conflicting styles.

For example, Smash Bros. Brawl: Solid snake, Ganondorf, Zelda, Captain Falcon, all very realistic. These bouncing about with the cartoony likes of Kirby, Sonic, and Wario; subtracts from cohesive imagry. Another good example would be if the crayon drawn trees of Yoshi's Island used in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. You wouldn't be able to take the drama seriously, so it kills the unity of it's image.

As for giving Dina a chance? Why shouldn't we? She had to have some manner of merit to even be considered. I sincerely doubt she pandered, or blackmailed her way in. Besides, look who's in charge. The Inafking got dis.

ユーザー Mighty No. 50008 Ghost_Train の写真

ugh. As in...pftftft

It's no surprised one (or all) would be disappointed and worried after seeing what Dina said along with every step that followed leading up to now. She made bold statements that threatoned to change or destroy the original Mighty No 9 concept that we fell in love with. Or if you're like me you fell on the floor from excitement crying tears of joy after seeing for the first time. Plane and simple, you just don't screw around with something fans hold dear to their hearts...especially when you've been brought onboard as an official staff member. It's unprofessional, disrespectful and insensative. Us hardcore fans are emotionally invested, so of course we're going to have a difficult time not responding emotionally. I'm sure she gets it now but may still be figuring out how to handle the aftermath (fingers crossed).

Hopefully the whole mess gets cleared up soon so fans can go back to being excited about the project.
ユーザー Mighty No. 28245 Muska の写真

re: Mighty No. 50008

i have to say this was well said and you got your pount across nicly i only just found out about this stuff recently and still getiing mad becuse of all the conotion but you are keeping a levled head so thank you
ユーザー Mighty No. 3815 Fausto の写真

Usually the tendency amongst

Usually the tendency amongst Megaman fanbase is to be respectful of other people's tastes and not incite this kind of thread, as "which Megaman game is the best". That's actually not so cool. For instance, I played the Megaman Battle Network series and these are the Megaman games I less like. But they're not the worst, because there are a lot of people who love them.
So I respect the fans as I want to be respected on my tastes.

This is like a big band of brothers. We just like Megaman.
ユーザー Mighty No. 28245 Muska の写真

re: Well.. at least she is right

...she said on twitter she dosnt play megaman and is just starting i want to assume that she is playing it to see how the game sorta plays out witch is good i think
ユーザー Mighty No. 15220 XTrigger82 の写真

My Thoughts

Sorry that my comment is a bit late, but I just now heard about this. I just want to say that there is only one reason that I chose to fund this project. All I want is a new "Megaman/Rockaman" game. Comcept do not let someone who has no interest in that make any decisions about this game. Who knows how big of a role of impact the community manager actualy has, but you have already allowed her to create an atmoshpere that alienates your supporters and creates fear about your final product. I have nothing against having female protagonists, but not for this game. I don't hate the community manager and I don't want her fired. I don't like how she got the job, but as long as her ideas and personal views don''t affect the game I won't hold a grudge. This game should be for the people who backed it, and those people want a Rockman/Megaman successor. Don't allow someone with an agenda to ruin that for us. 

P.S. Let us name our Beck like in The Legend of Zelda or old Castlevania games. I already call him Rock in my heart anyways ;)
ユーザー Mighty No. 3815 Fausto の写真

Completely agreeded. Female

Completely agreeded. Female characters are great, female protagonists are great, strong female roles are awesome.
But let's just let Mega--er Mighty No.9 be M9 and end of story.

I hope everything turns out fine, too.
ユーザー Mighty No. 44387 Patchouli の写真


Ominous clouds still loom over this project. All we truly want is a successor to the Blue Bomber we all grew up with. We've seen many a franchise get a successor, whether a true sequel or a reincarnation of sorts, in recent years that has been a complete joke compared to the originals, Street Fighter 4 being the only one that was marginally okay and acceptable. But then we have Ninja Theory turning Devil May Cry into a farce, Resident Evil becoming progressively worse with its recent installments, despite Revelations nearly being a saviour in its own right (credit to Slant 6 on Operation Racoon City. It wasn't terrible nor great, but still passable compared to RE6), Bionic Commando was utter trash, for lack of more professional vernacular. And now Double Helix is on the chopping block for Strider, as they have a poor track record (Green Lantern, GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, and Battleship should've raised a few flags).

If Dina is to redeem herself in the eyes of the community, she would have to fight tooth and nail to bridge the gap between the dev team and the fans. We all own a piece of this project in some form and all deserve as much a voice in it as anyone else. To openly understand what it is the backers truly want in game and relaying that as concisely as possible as well as the inverse of relaying messages from the team be they updates, changes, etc.
ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Stop linking this garbage

Listen, I can accept the skepticism and outcry about her attitude, but the boo-hooing about her feminist activity is insulting. Hate her for her agenda or for her percieved lack of talent, but don't go tossing around slurs and turn yourself into a huge asshole in doing so. That video may give a decent recap of the events going on, but I for one could do without all the mysogyny and transphobia. If this is the kind of community that Comcept wants to foster then maybe *I* should be the one asking for my money back, because frankly this sort of talk is absolutely unacceptable and far worse than any percieved threat that Dina may present to the final game. Bigotry and hatred have no place in any game or community I want any part of, and I'd hope I'm far from alone in that regard.
ユーザー Mighty No. 51419 BBCAT の写真


I dont think you understand what mysoginy means...?

because she really DID get hired because her boyfriend/several of her friends are on the development team--that much has been laid out on the table.

sure, no slurs is good.  but generally everyone is pissed off over this for pretty valid reasons from what ive seen.  i for one love to see strong female leads, but am of the persuasion that a megaman successor should only make sense thematically to be male.  its just a matter of nostalgia, not sexism.
ユーザー Mighty No. 5928 Rocker の写真

@Mighty No. 51419 BBCAT

@Mighty No. 51419 BBCAT

Jesus Christ, I can't believe you're getting antsy over the perceived gender of a ROBOT.

Also, who cares if she had friends help her get the job? Much of Hollywood and the game industry operates in exactly that way. And as long as she can draw and does what she is supposed to then what the hell should you or the rest of the community care? Not to mention it hardly affects the game which is still being directed and designed by Keiji Ina-freaking-fune!

ユーザー Mighty No. 28245 Muska の写真


well i see alot of resons why pepole are mad but im not to worried i dont think inafune would change his charters in such a big way ask for dina shes gotta watch it, somtimes making pepole mad can land you in the unemploment line evan if you know pepole i know this from experance and this is a big project for inafunes company seeing how mad thease pepole are dosnt look good but like i said no real threat we can play as call in the multiplaier anyway so she will defenty not be like Idk a dishwasher with legs shess probly have the same ablities as beck just as call so most likly there will be an option to play as call in single player witch is good. also i dont like the look of the female beck up there not becuse shes a female or anything like that loooks creepy too human in a way also for the lying and trying to cover it up evan though evryone knows just makes her look worse and the most is trying to force a change that you want that alot of pepole dont becuse she thinks is better is just wrong and dosnt help femisism in any way just makes femisit look bad in a way she hadd to check her privilege
ユーザー Mighty No. 62776 モロトヴ の写真


First of all, stop it with this silly drawing; it's really horrible, as others pointed out.

This whole mess is starting to get distressing; why is a person who has no love or experience with Mega Man start infusing this project, which the fans funded, with distracting imagery and nonsensical directions?

I would love to know how much of an impact this "community manager" has on the character design -- without even going back to the whole gender debacle, it's disheartening to see someone with such poor understanding of the appeal Japanese design has -- and is to be expected -- from us longtime Mega Man fans.

Please, Dina, prove us that you're in fact a ear and take a listen to us -- because it is rather distressing to see this dream project all of us backers had to get tangled in such a mess within a couple of months.

ユーザー Mighty No. 10419 Mattstadon の写真


So, I just found out about this thing called the "Mighty No9 Controversy". Sadly it does look like people have had time to build up many overreactions to this but to be fair this does deserve some kind of reaction. 

 With all the facts about the twitter thing and the agenda Dina seems to have in her personal life coupled with how she got the job etc. something fishy does seem to be brewing at some small level in some small part of the project (even if it's just in one person's head). Weather or not that agenda or idea comes to pass is of course going to have to wait to be seen. It's also highly unlikely that the major changes suggested would ever occur because Beck and the majority of the game are already in place and certainly would not be transformed by one community director with some kind of feminist angle or idea about what should or shouldn't be a problem for the game and it's gameplay.

 Ok, so, She did post some feminist tweets in the past but that was her personal life and it's doubtful that anything related to that ideal would appear in the final game, but of course she never really played Mega Man in the first place according to those tweets and spoke of insane things that really don't reflect the views of anyone who knows and loves the Blue Bomber and it's theme directly to the community in a formal update. I can see why people got upset. It felt like the thing they swore they had a great influence on was being threatened by a non fan who slipped into that field of influence unnoticed by anyone who should know better.

 Imagine you hire someone to manage your tuxedo party for your tuxedo business and they show up in board shorts and a Hawaiian t-shirt and start telling people they ought to consider changing everything to fit their ideals etc. These tuxedo fans who donated their money, time, and childhoods to support the tuxedo franchise they love and have loved for many years would probably lynch that person. As we see here that is exactly what happened.

 On the issue of Beck being made into a female character... Well, Beck isn't even technically a gender anyway. Beck is a robot made in the likeness that of a man and of course the same could be said about Call being made in the likeness of a woman. In the end if we want to break it down as far as it seems to have already been broken we should at least recognize this fact and maybe then we'll realize just how far things have been over blown.

 The only thing I have to say about it in the end is this. If the community manager that is supposed to be the bridge between the U.S. and Japanese communities is hated by the majority of that community then perhaps this person is not right for the job. Maybe it wasn't meant to happen this way and Dina really thought she would be accepted in the end. That's fair enough but people didn't agree with her in the end. People then dug deep to find out why they don't like this community manager and they found some pretty decent evidence to prove they might not have a true fan managing the community! Much higher ranking positions have been lost in vastly more important jobs for extremely less when the community voiced their opinions. If the people have spoken then maybe it's time to re-hire?

 These are just my thoughts and most likely will not be read by anyone! So, thanks for reading if you did. I'm still excited for the Mighty No9. I'm still glad I backed and was a part of this amazing project. All my best wishes and highest regards to those involved! Time to go vote on the Call design! See we still have great influence in this project! We are the Backers! (or the Beckers if you prefer) So, lets just continue to grow together!


ユーザー Mighty No. 64264 Mighty Number: Courage の写真

I completely agree with your

I completely agree with your argument. However one thing that I would like to hear is who should be the replacement, I actually do have a suggestion, and no it's not me. The man is better known on Youtube as Gaijin Goomba who has made a large amount of commercialism for the franchise, and who's entire concept is to create a bridge between cultures, mainly the japanese and the western world.
ユーザー Mighty No. 23369 Ryusei の写真

come on people...

First time looking into this since the kickstarter countdown. Life has been busy.
First thing I see is people criticizing the new community manager...ok, it seems like she did something to piss everyone off, so I flipped through the comments...annnd I don't understand why you feel that way...

-so what if her drawing isn't the best? can you draw better?
-why do people think she has a feminist agenda just because she drew herself as Beck? are you going to go to a cosplay convention and tell every lady who dresses up as a robot that she's a feminist?
-who cares how she got her job? why not try to be encouraging so she can be the best community manager that she can be in order to benefit the community?
-why does she need to have played all the megaman games anyway? its not a megaman wanna play megaman? boot up any of them from your collection.

my gosh, this place is so damn -NEGATIVE-, if this is what the community is going to deteriorate into then I wish they just close this down. Obviously, they won't close it down so I'm just going to have no part of this and wait for my game and goodies to arrive in the mail...actually, I'm not sure if I even want a game that received input from all you negative jerks.
You're free to disagree with me all you want, because I probably didn't get all the facts straight from not wanting to waste my life reading each comment.

To Dina,

Congratulations on receiving this position. I'm sorry that your initial experience was not as good as it could have been. I apologize on behalf of the community for being so inconsiderate. It would seem like you have a tough road ahead of you but I encourage you to do your best and prove all of the trolls wrong. Very best of luck to you and a big thank you in advance for all the work you're putting into this community.

Ryusei of Toronto
ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Stop linking this garbage

Listen, I can accept the skepticism and outcry about her attitude, but the boo-hooing about her feminist activity is insulting. Hate her for her agenda or for her percieved lack of talent, but don't go tossing around slurs and turn yourself into a huge asshole in doing so. That video may give a decent recap of the events going on, but I for one could do without all the mysogyny and transphobia. If this is the kind of community that Comcept wants to foster then maybe *I* should be the one asking for my money back, because frankly this sort of talk is absolutely unacceptable and far worse than any percieved threat that Dina may present to the final game. Bigotry and hatred have no place in any game or community I want any part of, and I'd hope I'm far from alone in that regard.
ユーザー Mighty No. 10546 DRAGOONZERO の写真

I don't understand

I don't understand why people are influenced by this guy who clearly just wants to blast kickstarter. Say what you want about Dina, but do you actually believe this game is going to be terrible now?
ユーザー Mighty No. 5928 Rocker の写真

I most certainly am not, I

I most certainly am not, I can tell you that much. Unlike these nonsensical sheep I actually care about the game. I provided money to see a Mega Man successor get made, not see a bunch of children crying about a single woman who has an opinion. Dina may or may not be a good community manager, but as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter because what SHOULD matter is the game. And these people have completely lost sight of that, especially considering who exactly is in the director's chair.
ユーザー Mighty No. 64264 Mighty Number: Courage の写真


Dear fellow Might Number

Hello there I am Mighty Number 64264, but you may call me Courage. I can completely understand your comment, and please don't just percieve me as a troll. However here you can find a link to video that will explain exactly why so many people, me included, dislike her. I hope that it does in now way offend you.
ユーザー Mighty No. 71442 Nona の写真

Stop linking this garbage

Listen, I can accept the skepticism and outcry about her attitude, but the boo-hooing about her feminist activity is insulting. Hate her for her agenda or for her percieved lack of talent, but don't go tossing around slurs and turn yourself into a huge asshole in doing so. That video may give a decent recap of the events going on, but I for one could do without all the mysogyny and transphobia. If this is the kind of community that Comcept wants to foster then maybe *I* should be the one asking for my money back, because frankly this sort of talk is absolutely unacceptable and far worse than any percieved threat that Dina may present to the final game. Bigotry and hatred have no place in any game or community I want any part of, and I'd hope I'm far from alone in that regard.
ユーザー Mighty No. 3815 Fausto の写真

Good point. I was reading

Good point. I was reading this and thinking of the people that's thinking to get refunds because of forum interaction... This is just... Overreacting in it's purest form.
ユーザー Mighty No. 14392 の写真

Not surprising considering

Not surprising considering people overreact all the time... they have all the time in the world to do that apparently every single time... Should go do something else more meaningful than being overreacted... though i do have to say, the drawing.... not to my liking unfortunately... Do better next time, kiddo!!!
ユーザー Mighty No. 12038 Nenets の写真


Good to see the community starting to take shape, though I do worry a bit about all the controversy this is sparking up. Well, I'm sure Dina will be a great comm. manager regardless; let's at least give her a chance, people! Geez!
ユーザー Mighty No. 40574 axen の写真

There's no new update today D:

I think you buttheads broke the site with all the complaining.  Now how am i suppoesed to slack off at work?
ユーザー Mighty No. 67550 の写真


Just once. Just once I'd like to see a successful kickstarter without any issues unrelated to the game itself in it. The game has bugs? Fine - fixable. The design isn't going in the direction the community wants (ironic isn't it?) - polls and decisions in the early stages of the development can alter that. Cutting out the community by "electing" (bf working there eh? This sounds a bit like my country's government...) someone who is obviously not fit to be there - not a MM fan with an agenda - is kickstarter suicide.
Why are people sick of Capcom? They still make good games. The issue there is in the horrible management and the disconnect with their long time fans. I hope this doesn't happen here.

I really want this kickstarter to be successful. If a high profile game like Mighty No. 9 fails people will become cynical and it may be the end of game funding in this way. We do remember Ouya and the problems with Broken Age.

As a worried backer I really hope this issue will be addressed by the team in the near future.
ユーザー Mighty No. 19760 Shamus The Knight の写真

The Might Median

My reply is a bit late, but I feel my words are important enough to get out. I hope that our ideas and concepts ("Comcepts") are as unfiltered and unbiased as possible. If there is a good thread, I want the artists and programmers to see the thread. If there is a comment with decent throughts, I want them to hear it. If there is a speech on what should be done, I want them to feel it. An ear can mishear and a mouth can mispeak. The "kneel before me" joke also rubs me (and possibly some others) the wrong way. I don't mind an official Community Manager, but please, remain unfiltered, unbaised and direct as possible!
Either way, welcome to the team! (I am a Zelda fanatic, too.)
ユーザー Mighty No. 43562 Sanj の写真

totally agree

The 'kneel before me' joke was a really bad idea, and completely out of spirit with what I'm willing to accept.
+1 for the idea to find and promote interesting conversations within the community.  That's precisely what a community manager should be all about.
ユーザー Mighty No. 46594 Jay W. Jester の写真

General Concerns

Well this is a mixed bag of uncertainty.  Reading over the community responses to Dina and the giant black cloud she has hanging over her head, I find myself as concerned as many about what exact push, changes, and input she may have in the end result of what is Mighty No. 9, the project we all backed and supported.  I'm not going to go and spit out all the facts and concerns that are tied to Dina and her position, it has been said, dug up and thrown around plenty already.  As mentioned before youtube videos are in place already analysing and pointing out these concerns.  

I know that Inafune still leads this and the team as a whole are not simply going to be made rotten and manipulated by one person, problem is, Dina is community manager.  Isn't that position stating she is managing us all, not only managing but representing us?  So one person suddenly becomes the representation of an entire community?  Now I am fairly certain that the rest of the Mighty No. 9 team are reading these and it is not just Dina, which is the only reason why I'm not going to throw into full panic over the outcome of Mighty No. 9, however I do not feel comfortable as it stands with Dina in her position, the community can't all be happy with every decision that is made and that's fair, but that's a large elephant being put on a small boat and so far nothing has been said or done to reeinstate confidence to many of us.
ユーザー Mighty No. 43562 Sanj の写真

'Manager' is the wrong word.

Yeah, she's not only supposed to represent us, but also also help catalyze into being an effective community, and not just a mob.

She doesn't have more influence than we do.  She gives her opinions the way we give our opinions.  One might be worried that she's going to be more interested in representing herself, rather than representing the diverse collective we're sure to turn out to be.  But frankly, The Legends 3 devroom, as well as the MMN kickstarter were littered with surveys.  And as long as we have those surveys, Dina can't do too bad of a job.
ユーザー Mighty No. 51639 M の写真

Dina hello and keep this in mind.

Dina I have heard that it is a possibility that you haven't tried previous Megaman games before Megaman X. I would advise that you try some of them out play at least one of the original Megaman games (I would suggest Mega Man 2 as it's my favorite and has some of my favorite music in it.) play one of them as it will give you an better understanding of what makes the original Megaman games so special to us Megaman fans. It will also give you an idea of the artstyle and enemy style in these games and all around will give you an understanding on why us Megaman fans love these games so much.

I love the Megaman franchise to death and ask as the community this, please leave emotion out what feedback you give back to the development team. Also consider playing one of these games to experience what we experienced when we were younger and what makes us love the Megaman franchise as much as we do today, as well as to what makes us want to support this project more than ever.
ユーザー Mighty No. 35279 の写真


No, she shouldn't try a little megaman. She should PLAY megaman, all the 6 first games(at least until the final stage), and she should enjoy it. If she doesn't like megaman she has no place working with megaman and it's development. I have played them all(except 10), and loved the atmosphere and music and art. I want someone who knows what to look for to be the one who looks.

As actors hired to play part in an established universe(in TV or movies) are required to get to know that universe and it's feeling first, either by marathoning it or studying important plots within it, I demand that she does too. It should be difficult for her, like it was for us when we first tried to master a MM game. She should play for hours on end until she gets that music stuck in her brain, until she understands that feeling of hope, heroism, desperacy and groovyness that the community wants and needs to have in Mighty no. 9.

Until she does, she does not represent the fans.
