Mighty No. 9 Product Keys
Hey Mighties!
How is everyone enjoying the game? I know our European backers are still waiting for the game to release, but it is right around the corner!
There were a few small issues regarding the keys that went out yesterday, so we wanted to quickly put out an update to clear that up.
The Humble Bundle team were able to fix an issue in their system where the Retro Hero DLC codes for Steam were being distributed in place of the RAY 'Vermilion Destroyer' DLC codes.
This issue was fixed right before the Steam release went live, and for anyone who had that issue they should have a new key waiting on the Humble Bundle account page.
There were also quite a few backers who reported issues with the PSN codes, and that issue was cleared up once the PSN store finished their update.
Those codes should have been valid as soon as the game went live on the PSN store at 9AM PDT
We have also seen users who have had problems finding their account on Humble Bundle.
For that and other issues, the following page is useful for clearing up any issues:
Our team and the team at Humble Bundle will be doing our best to clear up any remaining issues!
Enjoy your game, Mighties! (`_´)ゞ
-The Mighty No. 9 Team
Wrong region code
Permalink Mighty No. 34376 Tonithetower Wed, 2016-06-22 16:20.
Wrote you email several times but still no aswer. What is happening?
Code's Region
Permalink Mighty No. 30819 Mad_Cartoonist Wed, 2016-06-22 16:02.
I specifically asked for a US Code, but I got an Asian Code.
Essentially at this point, we're not really different from those who haven't received anything just yet.
I really hope you guys are
Permalink Mighty No. 56287 Rednavi Wed, 2016-06-22 15:56.
I really hope you guys are acknowledging the people who got TWO copies of the game instead of ONE + all the preorder and backer DLCs?
I pledged far more than enough to get a steam key for the game + all the preorder and backer exclusive DLC. The only things I got instead are TWO copies of the BASE game with NO DLC whatsoever! Why would you even send me two of the same game to begin with? And where's ALL of my DLCs?
Contacted humble bundle, they have yet to respond but even then they'll send me back to you anyway.
Contacted comcept, they have yet to reply to me.
What am I supposed to do at this time? I'm about to gather the rest of the people with a similar situation and talk to the gaming press and social media about this. It's ridiculous how people who literally purchased the game yesterday has access to more content than I who paid for this 3 years in advance.
I'm giving it a day before all of this explodes even more. All I want is to play the damn game with the content I'm entitled to.
360 version
Permalink Mighty No. 5969 ZAON Wed, 2016-06-22 15:40.
My Golden Beck code was for
Permalink Mighty No. 11364 MN. 11364 Wed, 2016-06-22 15:19.
Same here :D
Permalink Mighty No. 20702 Radish Wed, 2016-06-22 20:04.
Permalink Mighty No. 62435 Gardian X Wed, 2016-06-22 15:18.
Contacted comcept via email, contacted humblebundle and Sony.
Humblebundle has said it can take up to 2 days for their response, which at least is something.
Sony helped to the best they could.
*Update* Finally got the code to work -_- 25 hours after getting the code.
MN9 The Game
Permalink Mighty No. 62435 Gardian X Wed, 2016-06-22 16:38.
The game does do a number of things right that I've noticed to be fair. But there are a few things that really hurt it.
Framerate dips. Beck and his almost pixelated appearance at points. And lastly: the flat expressions.
Overall, the game is far from a total disaster, but I can't say I'm going to be able to sing praises to Beck and Call tonight either. Speaking of tonight... Goodnight. I need sleep.
Can judge the game more fairly after a long sleep.
I have nothing but a demo on
Permalink Mighty No. 52005 Mizuhiro Wed, 2016-06-22 15:18.
Permalink Mighty No. 45924 MT Wed, 2016-06-22 15:05.
Permalink Mighty No. 66531 hentaisama Wed, 2016-06-22 15:03.