Development Update: A November to Remember!
The wait is over, Mighty Beckers!
Following up our big reveal in the last update, we’ve got three big pieces of news for all of you: a reward update, a little something about Beck himself, and finally, the results of the Call Weapon Survey!
First off, here’s the Japanese design for the game box we’re giving out to the $60+ backers!

Our very own Art Director Shinsuke Komaki poured his heart and soul into this rendition of the Mighty Numbers rampage. We think it really captures that old-school futuristic feeling from retro games, and hope that you feel the same!
There might be some tweaks here and there, but this is pretty much what backers can expect to receive. So clear off a space on the shelves, Mighties, you’ll have this soon enough!
I bet more than a few of you did a double-take at the package art above, didn’t you? As to be expected from our passionate Beckers!
That’s right, our main man Beck is a new shade of hero now! This isn’t some belated Halloween prank, either, it’s the real deal! If you don’t believe us, check out our white Beck moving our in our development build!

Of course we have our reasons behind this coloring change. We turn as always to Director Koji Imaeda for the scoop!
Imaeda: From the very beginning we designed Beck to have a neutral, grey base, with the idea of wanting to make something completely new and unique.
But development soldiered on, and as we approached the last leg, we started looking closer at Beck. As a protagonist that could absorb the abilities of his siblings and take on various forms, our image of his appropriate color shifted from “neutrality” to “containing all possibilities”... and since white is a combination of all colors of light, we felt that would actually suit his character better! Hence, we went with the coloring change.
Pure and simple, this Beck is ready to take on all kinds of cool transformations. We hope you like our new-and-improved hero!
So there you have it, Beck’s look has gone from good ol’ gray to a new, noble white! We’ll be brushing up a lot of things here and there in the final sprint, so look out for new info in our subsequent updates! (Oh and by the way, we updated our website to match…)
Next up, something you’ve all been waiting for: the results of the Call Weapon Survey!
Which of the four weapons created by SANDA Technology chairman Dr. Sanda made the grade? Let’s find out!!
In first place…

The winning weapon is TYPE-C!
Dr. Sanda wanted “change of pace” with this one, and it seems a most of you Beckers liked the direction he took! This design alone garnered 42.2% of the votes—10,245 in all—giving it an overwhelming victory!
As for the other weapons, check out the vote spread below:

Second Place: TYPE-D, 6,502 votes

Third Place: TYPE-A, 5,816 votes

Fourth Place: TYPE-B, 1,713 votes

Call’s finally armed for battle, and it shows in our latest build. We hope all of you look forward to seeing her in action!
Thanks to all 24,276 of your votes, this round of surveys was a roaring success! Thank you to everyone that participated!
Please let us know your thoughts on the game box, our new Beck, and the survey results here in the comments, on Facebook or on twitter!
Until next time!(`_´)ゞ
- Dina (Mighty No. 1046), Koji Imaeda (Mighty No. 610), and the Mighty No. 9 Team
All you Beckers should know the fine folks of Fangamer for all the hard work they’re putting into the Mighty No. 9 backer rewards. What you might not know is that these guys are hardcore EarthBound/Mother series fans, and even released the amazing Mother 3 Handbook a while back!

EarthBound, aka Mother 2 is packed with wonderful memories; memories so vivid that our friends at Fangamer want to capture the whimsy that permeates through every nook and cranny of this installment with their new beautifully crafted media box set!
No, that’s not Master Belch goo in your ears, you heard right: Fangamer is Kickstarting a whole EarthBound themed box set of media, and it looks SMAAAASHing!!

If you long for one more stroll through Onett Town, head on over to their Kickstarter page and throw a few dollars their way (or call your Dad first if you’re low on dough!).
White and Blue Looks Better
Permalink Mighty No. 29447 Orkhun Thu, 2014-11-13 09:37.
I'm already getting used of
Permalink Mighty No. 69484 Eyz Wed, 2014-11-12 00:10.
Love the new design!
Permalink Mighty No. 51523 Mighty No. News Tue, 2014-11-11 14:39.
-Love that box art which
Permalink Mighty No. 47088 DroutKaiser Tue, 2014-11-11 07:49.
-interesting that they change Becks color armor from neutral grey to white which i don't mind really plus it makes sense about the color change on him sort of speak.
- Im happy about Call's new weapon. it suits here really nice with her.
latest newsletter
Permalink Mighty No. 14231 nikkie Tue, 2014-11-11 06:31.
Already knew of the change?
Permalink Mighty No. 15308 Mega Neutrobyte Tue, 2014-11-11 05:58.
Same here. I wonder if that
Permalink Mighty No. 38129 CupricWolf Thu, 2014-11-13 09:34.
same here
Permalink Mighty No. 14231 nikkie Tue, 2014-11-11 06:28.
I like the color scheme but I
Permalink Mighty No. 39796 SonicX796 Tue, 2014-11-11 04:42.
I am completely happy with
Permalink Mighty No. 43562 Sanj Tue, 2014-11-11 02:13.
I love Beck's color change, I
Permalink Mighty No. 8140 Tue, 2014-11-11 00:56.